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Everything posted by -Daemon-

  1. -Daemon-

    Not sure if its the game or my PC

    Well - I always uninstall my old drivers, especially if I am swapping between Nvidia and ATI cards. I would try uninstalling your device via the device manager, and maybe use Driver Sweeper to clear old files out. I'm thinking it may be a heat issue though. ATI cards can run pretty hot, do you have adequate cooling in your case? You can also download something like CPU-Z or CCCT to check your temps and loads.
  2. -Daemon-

    Not sure if its the game or my PC

    What are your system specs? Did you make sure to wipe your old drivers? Is your card running too hot? Some other system information would be helpful.
  3. I appreciate your response, however if you even cared to check your server logs, you'll find that we play on your server quite often. And no, we're not hopping. We logged out in the airfield, and logged in the next day. If that makes us hoppers, I guess we are. Don't make this out to be more than it is. I killed your buddy who was loot whoring, and you kicked all of us. That's fine, but to justify the kick with a sorry excuse of 'protecting us' is laughable. Not only that, but instead of taking his death as a man, he alt-F4'd, as most of your guys do. "...when we noticed you we kicked you..." Regardless of your troubleshooting and/or issues with the server stability, kicking us ALL after I kill one of your clan mates and then locking your server under the guise of 'issues' is a fabrication. Not that it matters though. We're done with your bullshit. Keep restarting your server to get your vehicles back, keep kicking people who put up a fight. I'm guessing that's why you have MAYBE 5 other people who play there.
  4. I was the one who killed the FoE member. I had logged in on the South side of the cement wall, near the Southern Barracks. I saw him putting a lot of loot into a pile, and then proceeding towards the barracks. When I shot him in the head, he fell over, unconscious I think. I ran off, thinking he may have help, and hid around the wall near a few trees. When I returned to confirm the kill, as I did not get a Murder or Bandit Kill, yet a FoE member had died, I was kicked, as were my friends. It's not the first time we have had an issue either. We stole many vehicles in our time on FoE, yet most of the time a restart took place, and even though we saved our newly acquired merchandise they never stayed for long. But I digress. The screenshots Weld posted are accurate. There were four members as well as Elderr(sp?) who was the admin in their locked server, and another FoE member Ander in US 377, also locked. As pertaining to us 'hopping', FoE had been our regular server to play on for some weeks now. We all logged out in the Airfield last evening.