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About [email protected]

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. Come get mine tomorrow :D http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/75347-end-game-gear-up-for-grabs-with-a-catch/
  2. Radios are not actualy in game. Not listed in loot tables as far as I know. http://dayzdb.com/database/equipment So no, no radio.
  3. Well, that was fun. Doing it again tomorrow night. Will change location though, sol is a shithole.
  4. Awh. I'm getting super paranoid running around here :D Definatly fun, though I'm not sure if people from the forum are coming in, or they're randomers.
  5. Well, in typical dayz fashion, I've just spawned on the beach. Still have my gear though. New position: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.132.090
  6. So I've played my ass off, amassed a load of end game gear I don't really need, and I'm getting a little bored. Done for today, still alive. Doing it again tomorrow 19/08/12 :D dd/mm/yy Until I post saying so, I will be within the area viewable on this map: http://dayzdb.com/map#6.132.090 On LU195 ( / 95883 / Veteran.) On my person I have: L85-AWS M14 AIM As-50 G17 Ammo for all. All tools NVGs Rangefinder Coyote backpack Medical supplies. I am on my own, but do not mind how large a group, or how many groups come. I do not expect to last long, but I'm hoping to have fun :D (If you're an asshole, please be so somewhere else. All of my stuff is legit, and I'd rather not lose it to someone who cheats. Would be more than happy for whomever gets my stuff in a legit manner.)
  7. Yup, #98 got the whole server I was in.
  8. What an utterly pointless forum topic. This isn't a topic at all.
  9. Will trade you a car on a good server. PM me with an offer. 1 Red car. 2. Tractor. Keeping the rest :-D
  10. thee_grandmaster@hotmail.com


    I murder everyone except unarmed any chance I get, yet I'm on 3200. Just because I help my friends, does not mean I am humane. System is fundamentaly broken.
  11. Got two yesterday :-\ not as rare as you'd think. Had a tougher time finding an as50. The m4 holo though, I've only heard myths of.