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Posts posted by DexRobinson

  1. First name: Dex Robinson

    Age: 23

    TimeZone: EST

    Why you want to join: Solo SUCKS!

    Teamwork on a scale 1 to 10 as 10 being the highest: 3.1415

    Do you have Teamspeak: No but I can get it

    Do you have Skype(Only put Yes or No): Sure

    How long have you played DayZ(Dont Lie) 5-6 hours running away from zombies and other people

  2. Hello Day-Z community,

    I have been playing for a little while now and from my experience with the game and watching shows and movies with zombies there are some things that I think would make the game even more awesome:

    1) There should be HUGE packs of patrolling zombies

    - These packs would consist of 10-20 zombies that just walk around the map in a group

    - The patrols would walk through the entire map(not just camp a certain area)

    2) You should be able to run away from zombies

    - Running away would take a little time but your sprinting speed should be 25% faster than a zombie's speed for you to run away in fear away from the zombies

    - Make zombie's initial burst speed faster to combat running through small areas

    3) Start with a gun, but no ammo

    4) Defibrillator that gives you a 10%, 25%, or 50% chance to bring a dead player back to life

    - Have it take up 3-4 slots to not allow people to have a lot of them at any one time.

    5) Trading

    - Allows "friendly" players to trade goods with one another

    6) Noise maker

    - Kind of a weird item, this, when you throw it, would make a lot of noise when it hits the ground

    - Or an object to attract zombies to it like a distraction, or if you see another player camped up in a spot throw it to start a horde of zombies to break them out(not sure if anything is like that in the game now)

    7) Gear abilities

    - Nothing crazy like stats but just things like gear weight and armor, more armor means lose less blood per zombie hit and will get tired faster, less armor or lighter gear means runs faster and lose more blood per hit but gets tired less often

    - Gear to reduce chance of broken bones

    - Gear that slows down bleeding

    - Gear that helps climbing up hills faster

    - Gear that helps with climate changes

    These are just some of the things I have thought of to make the game better. I do have some concerns with some of the features that I put up here and here is my own reason to why I think some wouldn't work.

    1) Will the game engine be able to handle that many zombies in a small area? Not sure of the limits the ARMA engine can handle but if it is possible then I think this would be an awesome idea.

    2) I don't want to take away from that "oh shit" feeling and change it to a "oh zombies saw me better sprint away and ill be fine." But there should be a chance for player to sprint away from zombies and eventually get far enough away to be safe again. I think a way to fix this is to have sprint only last a certain amount of time before your player needs a couple of seconds to catch his breath or make your thirst sky rocket to where you will think twice before making a dash.

    3) Finding ammo but no guns makes me no likey, having a gun with no ammo I think is good and better than starting with ammo and a gun

    4) Would be a cool mechanic, don't want to take away from that perma death feature but this would be a small chance you could be saved maybe 1-2 minutes after you die to apply the defib before the defib cannot be applied

    5) Something cool but not sure if the ARMA engine has this kind of thing

    6) Funky item but could be cool

    7) Kind of RPG style but not anything crazy just give you some small boosts to help out a little bit and would give players something more to hunt for

    Thanks to all who read, and hopefully i don't get bashed to hard for my opinion :)
