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About neil79

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  1. neil79

    this is geting out of hand

    Hackers just on full pop? rubbish I've played for over a month now nearly every night and it's just got worse and worse, if i'm not being teleported i'm being shot from behind via a pistol when not a single player was near by. Today my friend got killed instantly inside a building by a sniper, then it happened to me and i wasn't up the top in tree's. Both of us get teleported to the debug zone! No more DayZ for me sad :( There was only 6 people on!
  2. Sniper in a gilli suit was taking out my friends at seperate places, teleporting to different locations!. As i was with my mate, he suddenly got killed by a pistol when there was nobody as far as the eye could see. We did check out the location! I went back to his body pronto and saw a guy in a gilli suit standing over him, I killed him he didn't have the chance to get out in time. His name was [ONCE]LARSSON[DIED], there was also atleast two other guys with [ONCE]""[DIED] right he was killed the nukes hit and server was getting hammered! The player [ONCE]LARSSON[DIED] had LL15 A3 LRA ( sniper rifle ) with 10+ ammo packs RADIO LAZER SIGHT guiding system and every device you could think of!
  3. Uk01 is one of the best DayZ server i've been on smooth e.t.c, today both uk01 and uk02 have been locked and passworded, any ideas? :( Shame
  4. That only blocks " Mic " not the text
  5. I know how to block mic voices in side chat but is there anyway of blocking specific names? Thanks
  6. Well said, it was what three weeks since previous patch?, and nothing was actually fixed lol!. Glad he's put it as an alpha atleast ;)
  7. Well those that say that it's fixed well it can seem that way but give it a day or two and they will be back, perhaps even less so! This update didn't do squat, in some situations made it far far worse :( Balota airfield for example is unvisitable
  8. They are not :( Rocket the artifacts are not gone and a good for others have mentioned this on our server, at times it's even worse and nothing can be seen... Especially bad at Balota Airfield and the North West airfield
  9. neil79

    Battleye's a joke...

    No really battleye is a bag of garbage!
  10. We are all getting new gear i logged out, half the server is now spawning in the thunderdome :P
  11. Zombies are now falling from the sky and the zombie count is going up :P
  12. How about this idea, say yes or no... When a server is being cheated/hacked really badly, how about a server reset to last back up?, so things can be reset to the previous save or is that too much?
  13. Search? more threads the better i say! Brainmaster / bonecrusher are the most likely on the server :(
  14. Was playing on the DE4 server, far far to the north of black mountain then suddenly CRACK, i went from 12k to death. Nobody shot at me, I was in my gilli suit with a machine gun, dmr e.t.c. Every one laughed on the TS thinking it was a bear trap!, suddenly within 5mins every person on the server broke legs and instant killed. Seriously not cool, but what can you do :(