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About Jorgenheim

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Jorgenheim

    Is Arma Engine not AMD processor friendly ?

    The thing about what you just said is that it happens. Some games (case and point Arma and Planetside 2) are optimized a whole lot better with Intel CPU's than AMD. They actually made a patch in Planetside just because of this. Intel is more common which leads to half-assed work sometimes when it comes to optimization for AMD. Want proof to disprove "lack of knowledge"? Go in the bug reporter and look at how many people with AMD processors overclocked past the recommended ghz for SA are having problems. Look at all the old threads talking about how AMD is poorly optimized and people are having a lot of issues with it.
  2. Jorgenheim

    Low FPS in forest, High FPS in cities

    Well I use practically the same rig (same RAM, same graphics card, and a little bit more crappy processor) and I get 30+ fps in forests and 10-25 fps in cities. I'd either turn down your texture quality or try updating your drivers.
  3. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    So instead of posting problems people are having with the game like we're supposed to do, we should just keep quiet instead? Christ I guess when you open the game it should just say "tough tits go cry" and they shouldn't fix anything. They should've not listened to us about every other issue the game had from Day one either, would've preferred if Rocket just posted saying "figure out yourn own problems or dont play". If only EDIT: By the way, if you actually want to read on why this is a problem (as obviously you didn't read anyone else's explanation) please go here where many other people with CPU's overclocked past what the requirements should be are still getting low FPS http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=247 It's not the hard to read, I swear. Some of them are even past 4.0ghz. This is an optimization problem. Not a "tough tits" situation.
  4. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    This. As a Planetside 2 beta player with an AMD graphics card and CPU life was hard until they patched it. Your rig should have no problem running this game at all with higher FPS (although I wouldn't complain with 30 FPS). Just wait and hope it's patched soon, and know a lot of other people are having the same issue as you.
  5. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    Some people legitimately can't overclock. If you knew anything about CPU's you'd know this. Overclocking isn't hard, some people just literally can't do it cause it's locked in their BIOS, and they shouldn't have to do it for a game that should easily run on CPU's that have less than 3.0 ghz.
  6. Christ go back to ruining OWS you Feminazi. Feminism wasn't needed, and as a result words like "fisherman" are banned in Washington (not kidding) cause of you. Glad it's a failed, dying, laughing stock of a movement. Anyways no MMORPG stat stuff. +1 for beards though.
  7. Jorgenheim

    Replace TTSKO Jacket/Trousers.

    Posts like these are the absolute worst. Someone cared enough to post it, others cared enough to respond. Get over yourself. Also don't feel as if they should remove it, the more variety the better. Don't feel as if they're trying to be historical to the place when it comes to the items, but more of add an interesting spectrum of loot.
  8. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    The thing is that shouldn't be the case when the minimum and recommended requirements for SA for CPU's have less than 3.0ghz listed. This is obviously an optimization problem when other games that are more taxing CPU and GPU-wise run 10x better on high settings than Dayz SA does with all the settings to low looking like Minecraft on the same rig. EDIT: Also it isn't as simple for some to just overclock their CPU's. I say this because that is locked in my BIOS from even being a possibility, which means that for me to actually make playing Dayz in cities tolerable I'd have to buy a new motherboard and a processor, although my rig should run this game as smooth as it does every other game I play.
  9. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    Also another thing I remember people doing and sometimes seeing huge increases in FPS, http://www.coderbag.com/Programming-C/Disable-CPU-Core-Parking-Utility Unpark your CPU's and see if that helps. Just follow the instructions on that page and download the utility. This for me doesn't help at all, but some people have seen as much as 15-20 increase in FPS. EDIT: Actually I just parked my CPU's (cause for some reason they were unparked) and I got rid of mouse smoothing and I actually got 5 more FPS. Go figure.
  10. Jorgenheim

    Lower FPS on standalone then mod. (Alot)

    Honestly just sounds like SA's optimization. Don't think you'll be able to do much until it's fixed, as the launch perimeters don't even seem to help out at all for a lot of people (including myself). But they do help out for some, and if you want to try I'd these launch peremiters -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1023 -cpuCount=[ADJUST TO YOUR CPU]-exThreads=[ADUST TO YOUR CPU] I think you'd be better off though just upvoting the low FPS topic in the bug reporter and posting your specs there. http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=247 I myself get 23-27 fps just from being in a city, drops below 20 when I walk in a building usually, and in some buildings I get as low as 10 fps. Here's to hoping this is fixed soon, as I'm really enjoying the SA even when sometimes it's like I'm playing Microsoft Powerpoint.
  11. Jorgenheim

    113772, thirst still not fixed

    Your day one experience was correct, you couldn't drink from a well before the update. Now you can though, and if you just drink from it like 20-30 times (takes like 10 seconds, not an animation or anything) you should be good with thirst for about an hour or so.
  12. Jorgenheim

    DayZ Hacks already happening

    Saying the game is "full of hackers" is ridiculous. I haven't experience one and I've been playing a good amount on multiple different servers.
  13. Shadows kill way too much performance for some computers. A lot of people need them disabled on even some high end computers to make the game even playable just because how it's optimized. Just lowering the amount you can change your gamma and brightness won't do anything with people just changing their monitor settings also.
  14. If you tell me if you figured out how to use Google yet so you could make all 55 posts (soon to be 56) you've made null. Also find it funny that you're throwing around the term packet structure like it's a difficult term. Are you a script kiddie yourself? EDIT: Still waiting for you to give me an actual response, by the way. Unless you wanna keep X Y Z'ing my posts
  15. Jorgenheim

    Devil's Castle loot isn't acquirable

    Ah alright, voted up in the bugtracker regardless http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=1050