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Everything posted by RifIeman

  1. Me and my friend had made it all the way to the NWAF without seing a soul over on a pretty crowded server (30 plus). We had pissed off some zeds and ran into the firehouse for protection but somehow got split up. Now i had the m14 and he had an enfield, and as i went up the ladder to the top if the firehouse i turned around and looked back down to cover the staircase to kill the zeds. Now I saw someone run up the staircase past me and lay down beside me, and naturally I assumed it was my friend. But I suddenly realized he was rocking the m16 and i almost screamed into the mike asking where my friend was. All I needed was a "what im running..." to turn and waste the unfortunate survivor at point blank range. Total dick move, because it takes for freakin ever to get the the NWAF.