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Posts posted by _val_

  1. i´m not sure but if the server has been installed correctly it should be enabled by default.

    Did the text chat work in the local area?

    did you open the port for voice chat on the server? (default port+1 and default port+3 should be allowed if i remember correctly)

    greetings Jörg

    Thanks for the Reply, I'm not sure about the Port 1 and port 3 are enabled but I will ask our Admin to see. Other than you say Direct Chat should be Enabled by Default? I'll have to ask him to check over those settings. I had heard that some logs needed to be changed but I don't know if that is against the rules or not, nor do I know how to do that... Thanks again for the Reply I will get thim to check those settings...

  2. Hey guys I was trying to get a little help in figuring out how to enable the Direct Voice Chat option for our Server - not the Global Chat which I think is Disabled anyways but just the within-80-meters-voice-chat. A bunch of us want it on our server but our Admin says he can't find an option to Enable it anywhere. I know I read something some time ago about having to change some log info somewhere but I don't remember where I read it nor have I been able to find actual instructions on how to do so. If someone could just lead me in the right direction with a link or something of the sort then I would greatly appreciate it. We want to be able to talk to people nearby because we actually like being able to help people out - sometimes. :lol: But seriously I find that servers that have that option ON are much funner and give people the oppurtunity to create alliances as opposed to being paranoid and killing everyone on sight - even if they just spawned on the shore. Thanks in advance to anyone which can help out, I guess the best I could do is say Thanks and offer you my Beans! :D Thanks again...

  3. Hey guys I was trying to get a little help in figuring out how to enable the Direct Voice Chat option for our Server - not the Global Chat which I think is Disabled anyways but just the within-80-meters-voice-chat. A bunch of us want it on our server but our Admin says he can't find an option to Enable it anywhere. I know I read something some time ago about having to change some log info somewhere but I don't remember where I read it nor have I been able to find actual instructions on how to do so. If someone could just lead me in the right direction with a link or something of the sort then I would greatly appreciate it. We want to be able to talk to people nearby because we actually like being able to help people out - sometimes. :lol: But seriously I find that servers that have that option ON are much funner and give people the oppurtunity to create alliances as opposed to being paranoid and killing everyone on sight - even if they just spawned on the shore. Thanks in advance to anyone which can help out, I guess the best I could do is say Thanks and offer you my Beans! :D Thanks again...

  4. Hey guys I was trying to get a little help in figuring out how to enable the Direct Voice Chat option for our Server - not the Global Chat which I think is Disabled anyways but just the within-80-meters-voice-chat. A bunch of us want it on our server but our Admin says he can't find an option to Enable it anywhere. I know I read something some time ago about having to change some log info somewhere but I don't remember where I read it nor have I been able to find actual instructions on how to do so. If someone could just lead me in the right direction with a link or something of the sort then I would greatly appreciate it. We want to be able to talk to people nearby because we actually like being able to help people out - sometimes. :lol: But seriously I find that servers that have that option ON are much funner and give people the oppurtunity to create alliances as opposed to being paranoid and killing everyone on sight - even if they just spawned on the shore. Thanks in advance to anyone which can help out, I guess the best I could do is say Thanks and offer you my Beans! :D Thanks again...

  5. Scripters got you down? Ruining your gameplay?? Not for me! Get spawned into the sky and drop to my death? FRIGGIN HURRICANE CAME OUTTA NO WHERE BRO!! Kill a guy and he gets back up instantly and kills me?? OH CRAP he musta been infected already and turned into a gun weilding zombie! My fault for not making sure he was completely dead! See a vehicle spawn out of no where?? OH GEEZ BRO! I am halucinating and going crazy from seeing the things I have witnessed and thirst and starvation?! See an unstoppable group loaded down with Ghillie suits,best vehicles,Sniper rifles,NV, Automatic weapons that shoot everyone on sight?? Must be the military sending in their special forces to kill all survivors to stop the spread of this deadly virus bro! Someone teleports in front of me and kills me?? Was I dreaming? I just woke up on the shore, Must have passed out while I was floating to this weird zombie infested land!

    Just have some fun playing the game people...There are still actual survivors out there. I run into 2-3 people a day that we awakwardly stare at eachother then go about our own business/ trade small loot (food/drink/bandage/blood transfusion) then seperate, Even met a guy that still runs with me and my group of actual friends and hasnt shot us in the back (yet) hah

    Good stuff bro, thats the attitude. Even though the other day I was in a server where all 60 people (well I guess 59) got turned into Dogs - and then 2 minutes later we all got insta-killed! That did kinda suck... But we re-grouped and kept on rollin'!!!

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  6. ...AND you guys got chased-down by 2 ATVs while you were driving big-slow vehicles, not too hard to figure-out that formula especially when the guys at camp knew which direction you were headed. A failed car-jacking attempt is what it was - barely I might add but still failed...

    Oh, and who was logging in-and-out and waiting for us as we approached camp? One of our guys spots a guy in a Ghillie suit at our camp just chillin' so he takes cover, gives approximate coordinates and one of our snipers locates him after he finally moves. Then from around 500 meters and, well needless to say the "problem was handled accordingly"... :P

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