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Nidi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nidi (DayZ)

  1. Date/Time: 7/10/12 and 7/9/12 What happened: Have one magazine for my AKM, and after firing several rounds I would log off. Log back in after a while and the magazine would have a full 30 rounds, and I would still be in the location in which I logged off. Where you were: Has happened both indoors and outdoors What you were doing: Simply logging out and logging back in after several hours.
  2. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34980-green-mountain/page__hl__%2Bgreen+%2Bmountain Enjoy.....
  3. Nidi (DayZ)

    Mass Hacker Ban?

    Any time. And for the record, I rather like Rocket's naming and shaming of the banned hackers
  4. Nidi (DayZ)

    What do you do when you just spawned?

    wrong thread
  5. Nidi (DayZ)

    Mass Hacker Ban?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1491-darwin-list-banned-users/ It's in the announcements subforum
  6. I'll trade a 6-pack of Diet Tab for an empty tin can. Any takers?
  7. Nidi (DayZ)

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    I had my first pvp kill 3 nights ago in the NWAF barracks, at night. I crawled out of the back room, he was silhouetted in the door. He short first, I returned fire and kept shooting. Because it was dark, I don't know at what point I killed him, because whenever I stopped firing I could still see movement and silhouettes at the door, so I keep firing. It downs on me that they're actually zombies, and then there was one right on top of me and I died. I died suddenly, so I don't know if he had hit me and I didn't realize, or if a zombie just got really lucky. Think that character was on day 3-4
  8. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    The term "cannon fodder" comes to mind :)
  9. I would guess cross hair disabled Either that or the server doesn't allow cowboy hats
  10. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    Except of course in cases like the Enfield (to use an ingame example), which uses an internal magazine. So you are in fact loading a clip into the rifle in this case. (just to add some confusion to your clarification :D )
  11. Nidi (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    What about the blue-yellow very large hill?
  12. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    M9 in reference to a 1911? Because an M9 is a Beretta (and would be an appropriate term to call a Beretta)
  13. Nidi (DayZ)

    zombie children??

    I think they'd be harder to hit because they're smaller. Plus it would freak me out to turn around and see a zombie kid right behind me. Oh, and you can kill 9 year old girls in Bioshock. No one really complained about that one.
  14. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    A clip is a short section of video, and a magazine is made of paper and generally glossy. You're welcome :)
  15. Maybe you just aren't elite enough for the website to work? :)
  16. Nidi (DayZ)

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    That's like swapping out a 12 year old scotch for miller 64....
  17. Nidi (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    Next time I die (hopefully not for a while) I'm going to have to pay a visit to the mountain to see what's up
  18. Skip the large vehicle. Bicycle. Light (for portage), doesn't need gas, quiet, and assuming the zombies aren't ridiculously fast, you can easily outrun them. Plus you can fill the basket with beans :)
  19. Seeing as how I live in metro Atlanta, I'd probably Max Brooks it up (ie, zombie survival guide). Immediately bring all the food and water I had upstairs, along with my weapons, barricade the stairs, and wait out the initial frenzy. When that died down, or after I ran low on food/water, I'd get out through my window and start raiding my neighbors houses for any supplies I needed. My response after that would depend on the type of zombies/level of outbreak. 28 days later type infected, or undead zombies in a Class1-2 outbreak, I'd just wait for them to die off/military response to eradicate them. Class 3-4, I'd wait 2 weeks or so then start trying to make my way out and up into the mountains.
  20. Nidi (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    I was playing today, climbed up a deerstand to loot it (think it was empty) when all of the sudden I swear I hear a whispered, drawn out "friendly......"(definitely not the way someone would say it if they saw someone and were trying to announce their presence). I immediately scanned around the area, saw nothing, and promptly bugged the hell out of there as my AKM had no ammo. It definitely had me unsettled.
  21. Nidi (DayZ)

    Dreams of Dayz

    Actually, right after I started playing, I couldn't sleep very well for the next 3 nights. Could have just been coincidence though.
  22. Been playing about a week, ran across 2 people. 1 I left alone (we were both unarmed) and the second I shot but he must have been bugged or something because he didn't move and nothing happened. I'm still trying to figure out where all these people supposedly are.
  23. Hey, it's a survival sim, right? Survival is zero sum. For a bandit to win, a victim has to lose. The only way to stop a bandit is to kill them.
  24. From a victims point of view, you are taking from me what I need. You believe you have a right to take my stuff. Well, I know I have a right to try and keep you from taking it. If you don't want to have to spill blood, then don't try to rob people; loot houses and barns. Otherwise get ready to use your gun. I know I'm ready to use mine.
  25. My response to an ingame robbery would be the same as if you tried to rob me in person: if you want to take from me what I worked hard to get, then I am going to make you earn it. Hell, if I give you my stuff, how do I know you aren't just going to shoot me any way? In my mind, if someone pulled a gun on me in game, I'm already dead. So if I'm going to die, then so are you.