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Nidi (DayZ)

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About Nidi (DayZ)

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  1. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/34980-green-mountain/page__hl__%2Bgreen+%2Bmountain Enjoy.....
  2. Nidi (DayZ)

    Mass Hacker Ban?

    Any time. And for the record, I rather like Rocket's naming and shaming of the banned hackers
  3. Nidi (DayZ)

    What do you do when you just spawned?

    wrong thread
  4. Nidi (DayZ)

    Mass Hacker Ban?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/1491-darwin-list-banned-users/ It's in the announcements subforum
  5. I'll trade a 6-pack of Diet Tab for an empty tin can. Any takers?
  6. Nidi (DayZ)

    Is anyone NOT a murderer?

    I had my first pvp kill 3 nights ago in the NWAF barracks, at night. I crawled out of the back room, he was silhouetted in the door. He short first, I returned fire and kept shooting. Because it was dark, I don't know at what point I killed him, because whenever I stopped firing I could still see movement and silhouettes at the door, so I keep firing. It downs on me that they're actually zombies, and then there was one right on top of me and I died. I died suddenly, so I don't know if he had hit me and I didn't realize, or if a zombie just got really lucky. Think that character was on day 3-4
  7. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    The term "cannon fodder" comes to mind :)
  8. I would guess cross hair disabled Either that or the server doesn't allow cowboy hats
  9. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    Except of course in cases like the Enfield (to use an ingame example), which uses an internal magazine. So you are in fact loading a clip into the rifle in this case. (just to add some confusion to your clarification :D )
  10. Nidi (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

    What about the blue-yellow very large hill?
  11. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    M9 in reference to a 1911? Because an M9 is a Beretta (and would be an appropriate term to call a Beretta)
  12. Nidi (DayZ)

    zombie children??

    I think they'd be harder to hit because they're smaller. Plus it would freak me out to turn around and see a zombie kid right behind me. Oh, and you can kill 9 year old girls in Bioshock. No one really complained about that one.
  13. Nidi (DayZ)

    Its an M1911!!! -minirant

    A clip is a short section of video, and a magazine is made of paper and generally glossy. You're welcome :)
  14. Maybe you just aren't elite enough for the website to work? :)
  15. Nidi (DayZ)

    Take the Cherno Challenge

    That's like swapping out a 12 year old scotch for miller 64....