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Bash Arkin

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Everything posted by Bash Arkin

  1. Bash Arkin

    Killing Unarmed Players

    I try to be a "Friendly Bandit" if its something easy to get, and its someone who needs it sure i'll give to a freshspawn, but if its someone that clearly knows what they are doing, and have something i may want, i'll -attempt- to take it without bloodshed.
  2. Bash Arkin


    Now we just need a full changelog.
  3. Bash Arkin

    No servers showing up.

    As of today for the most part they are down because of the update, not sure when you were trying exactly.
  4. Bash Arkin

    Clearing out the orange coat snipers from Elektro

    Gotta give you credit, i like the format for your videos.
  5. Bash Arkin

    Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay

    Love some of the snapshots that come from this game.
  6. Bash Arkin

    New spawns!... Slow the $£%! down

    See i hear everyone telling people to avoid Eletcro...i don't think i've -ever- died there.
  7. Bash Arkin

    Putting ruined items on the floor...

    Not from what i've seen, perhaps the server was lagging and it desynced the backpack?
  8. Bash Arkin


    Walkie-Talkies are actually already in the game, that being said they do nothing. But i hope they allow global chat.
  9. WAit so that is what the maintenance is for? making the experimental build public?
  10. Bash Arkin

    Ragdoll physics?

    I don't really see the need for ragdolls does anyone else? i mean sure it'll be funny for awhile, but i'm thinking on a performance level.
  11. Bash Arkin

    What's the goal of DAYZ?

    Someones jaded.
  12. Bash Arkin

    What's the goal of DAYZ?

    See, i have a tally up in my house next to my computer where i mark things, "How many people have i forced to drink stuff" "How many people have i given false blood bags too" "How many fresh spawns i've killed this week" "When do i need to consume another human heart to keep me going" Ect stuff like that. In all seriousness, you just do what you want DayZ has by far the best exploration of any other game i've play'd in quite awhile, i tend to go around helping out fresh spawns on the coast, and then head up to North-West-Air-Field once i'm bored and want to fight someone (Any of the major citys will work too) its about the player interaction not what gear you have.
  13. Is there a way i can give more then one can of beans to this post? :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans:
  14. Bash Arkin


    Put it down in your hotbar and use it like any other item.
  15. I've -never- had a problem with it even in the slightest so i don't know what you're problem is. Also Realism shouldn't take president over good ideas.
  16. Bash Arkin

    [Fast Answer] Defibrillator

    Its not currently working, its susposed to revive from shock damage, but epipens do work, but even that is really useless for the most part.
  17. Bash Arkin


    To slap them with their own arms!
  18. Bash Arkin

    DayZ's Absurd Public Server Hosting Polcies

    Oh no, you're helping a indie game be more accessible to more players and have the ability to have more of a say agasint hackers/and the like in your server. I feel so bad that you -wasted- 10 dollars a month (For a standard server and being in a network it is that much), it must of broke you. Also you sound like a power hungry ponce, just saying. (And private hives will be coming up soon, then you can be a abuse admin all you want)
  19. Bash Arkin

    Finally found a Mosin, and left it there

    Strip clips are just a version of speed loaders that's it, it can still hold 5 rounds ether way.
  20. It seems really that your Mate is fuckin with you, that being said, yes Hackers could technically do whatever they want as Arma's engine is very open ended.
  21. I don't think its "Broken" i actually like it this way, it means you have to actually keep track of what your putting in to your body.
  22. Bash Arkin

    Mosin Accuracy?

    I've heard its been stated in the past that the Mosin isnt all its made up to be in shots over 400 meters, but i just don't see it i made a few shots earlier that had to be farther then 700, almost twice what i hear people in streams and in the forums say the mosin can do. I'm assuming a large part of shots over 400 meters is luck? or...?
  23. Bash Arkin

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    Just reworked my stream's format and everything, once i can get a timescale set i should be streaming at least 3 times a week. http://www.twitch.tv/basharkin