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Bash Arkin

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Everything posted by Bash Arkin

  1. My signature is relivent. I need not say more.
  2. Bandits don't, KOSers do. Amazing signature picture by the way.
  3. Bash Arkin

    Why can opener?

    Has this turned in to imgur? Seen this four or fives times this week.
  4. Bash Arkin

    Chernarus to Boring? WE WANT ISLAND´s ! :-)

    I was unaware i wanted islands.
  5. Bash Arkin

    Option to close your own thread.

    It sounds like a way to -win- a conversion, thread doesn't go your way *Closed* ending any discussion agasint you. I'm agasint this.
  6. Bash Arkin

    Gamertags/In-game name

  7. Bash Arkin

    DayZ Fast Rap - Dan Bull

    Didn't make it, but i thought i'd call attention to it.
  8. Bash Arkin

    DayZ Fast Rap - Dan Bull

    He usually does better, his rap for Dishonored was quiet abit better.
  9. Bash Arkin

    The Awesome Glitches Of Dayz

    I actually posted that before i watched the whole thing becuase i thought hte second half would just be bitching.
  10. Probably will get some hate for this because it'll make things hard. But i'd like to see all high tier equipment be set on a rotation that changes every-once in awhile, maybe not 100% drops, but sometimes NWAF will have a high rate of Mosin spawns, and then next week NEAF will, ect. This would push people in to exploring more of the map, and remove some of the current meta "Get, Check, KOS a few newspawns check, Food check, AWAF HERE I COME!?!" This could be applied to Saline, anti-botics, and the like. The kicker is i want these to be set server-side, not hive-side, making server hoping redundant.
  11. Bash Arkin

    The Awesome Glitches Of Dayz

    Oh, so its one of these videos. You must be great at DayZ. Ended the way it should have though.
  12. Bash Arkin

    [Suggestion] Daily/weekly Spawn Rolls

    Yeah but at least It'll slow -all- of them down, i'm fine with a slower character progression, i can get kitted out in under an hour now, and i find that kind silly.
  13. Sometimes special characters like " . # / @ ! $ % ^ &, ect set stuff off like that.
  14. Bash Arkin

    The most common 'cheat' used in DayZ...

    It'd be highly illegal. Not everyone can be the NSA.
  15. Bash Arkin

    Server Owner Kicking Players

    Because i agree with you agreeing with me, i agree to give you beans, i hope you agree with my choice, i sure do...agree. :beans:
  16. Bash Arkin

    Any Or All Media

    Check your messages as well on the forums, i had a question to do with your youtube network.
  17. Bash Arkin

    Server Owner Kicking Players

    Finally some evidence rather then blatant claims, i would however send this directly to an admin or in the report claims, an IP for the server and typing out who all was in the game would be nice as well, and if you're REALLY wanting to be helpful try to grab there steam IDs
  18. Bash Arkin

    Any Or All Media

    http://www.youtube.com/user/LifeNetStudios i have some stuff from the stand alone, and from the mod, enjoy, however i do expect intonations used rather then just in the description, no one looks in the description >D
  19. As i see it right now Zombies (Even with an AI) wont be an issue, i want to avoid the word special infected because i'm sure alot of you will just go ">:O NO!" Because thats how it is when anyone suggests anything new or related to any other game. As of right now, i'd like to see Zombies that are harder to take down. Right now i'm thinking of just two for the moment, one being in a heavy bomb squad suit that is strong, but quite slow, this one would better just be avoided rather then anything, i have a picture blow for a bomb squad suit. The next one would be a type of loud zombie, one that screams and attracts more zombies to it, making it something that has to be taken out as quickly as possible, even worth using a bullet to make sure it doesn't scream again (this one i don't have a picture for). Discuss!
  20. Bash Arkin

    [Suggestion] Zombie Types / Pesdo-special infected

    It was more of a gameplay thought rather then a realism thought.
  21. Bash Arkin

    DayZ Standalone server character reset.

    Search function. This post has been made at adnauseam over the past few days.
  22. Bash Arkin

    The players of DayZ Ruin the game

    So...what you're saying is..you -DON'T- like the DayZ community, seems like an odd place to be if you don't. I tend to hate loud noises, i better fucking move to New York.
  23. Bash Arkin

    ULTIMATE hero hunting squad

    Joined this thread to ask if it was heroes hunting, or hunting heroes...was not disappoint.
  24. Bash Arkin

    Friendly or No KoS servers. really?

    In all honesty i like to take it like falsely downloading music, its a suggestion.
  25. Bash Arkin

    Lost everything after getting scared off heavy breathing

    It sounds as if you're abit angry, let me explain, first, you do know what an Alpha is correct? If so, then good, we are done with a large part of what i need to teach you, then you should know you should expect silly bugs to happen, some of which are inconvenient, and will slow down your personal experience. Next is, do you think anyone has mentioned this before? have we looked at the Search function? That should be your next step. After that we know that your post has been done several hundred times over the past few months. So please sit tight while the Devs work out your issue. Cya on the coast.