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Bash Arkin

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Everything posted by Bash Arkin

  1. It sounds like you popped the other rifle, if you put something in your bag that wont fit it pops.
  2. Bash Arkin

    Nuke on LU129

    To be honest, if i got mad at DayZ community for one way or another, i'd probably end my server like that..Just a thought.
  3. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    U mad?
  4. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    +1 beans.
  5. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    I used to play that. Win.
  6. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    Because it takes the fun away from the bandits that kill the friendlies? its just a carebear solution.
  7. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    I ask you..have you seen a non friendly fire server? i don't think its even POSSIBLE with the engine , I've yet to find a option for it in my editing.
  8. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

  9. Bash Arkin

    PVE Servers

    Your right, people wont like this idea. Bad Idea. Realm? WoW player i suspect.
  10. Bash Arkin

    Fenton the dog

    Unless of course there is a video outside of this, iunno really
  11. Bash Arkin

    Fenton the dog

    Fenton is one of his overused jokes, i only know due to my brother watching him.
  12. Bash Arkin

    Fenton the dog

    RWJ is a tool..just saying. He also bots for subs.
  13. Bash Arkin

    bow and arrows

    Something tells me you play alot of minecraft.
  14. Bash Arkin

    I'd like to see in-game scenes like this

    Uh...sure? Why not.
  15. Bash Arkin

    beans hack ?

    threads like this hurt my head.
  16. No, the spawns are fine as is, the more vehicles you add the more bandits, like my self, will be killing you with said vehicles, think of it from that point of view. I honestly don't find them that rare anyway.
  17. i approve of this community support member.
  18. Bash Arkin

    Spawning Unconscious

    Some servers have that to keep people from server hopping
  19. Bash Arkin

    Hunting glitched?

    You have to actauly loot it like everything else, press G.
  20. Bash Arkin


    Unneeded, most people use skype allready even if they are told not to, they are gonna.
  21. Would strain the shit out of the servers, inpoly alot of ways to exploit, and just isn't really needed.
  22. Bash Arkin


    *Reloads his sniper* The hunt. :3 Or did you mean new content?
  23. Bash Arkin

    Can we stp patching on fridays?

    Its not friday everywhere.
  24. That was a test my friend, you wont be coming with us <3 We require a sense of humor.