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Heineken (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Heineken (DayZ)

  1. Heineken (DayZ)

    M4A1 CCO SD on US 669

    Yes sir! Congrats! Don't lose it to a bandit! :D
  2. Heineken (DayZ)

    Medium Value Barns Animal Spawn Chance

    Valid idea! I like it! :thumbsup:
  3. Heineken (DayZ)

    Video Settings?

    Let me be the first to say, I am sorry that you will have to play with terrible graphics. I don't know if you are tech savy but, basically you are running of off the graphics on your processor which are pretty terrible. I can however give you some tips that MIGHT help. 1.Turn post processing effects OFF. 2.Set video memory to default. 3.You can turn shadow detail off. (Might help for me it's personal preference.) 4.Turn antialiasing effects off. 5. In your launch options use the variables -nosplash -cpucount=2 -exThreads=1 6.Turn of hyper threading in your BIOS 7. Run as administrator. 8.Turn vsync off. I hope all of that helps! Also you can buy a video card thats works well with game for around $50.
  4. Heineken (DayZ)

    "invalid CD key" on ARMA II Beta Patch !

    Yeah, it's installed right. I had the same issue and everything runs fine I think it has to do with the steam version of the game. Everything should run smooth. :)
  5. Heineken (DayZ)

    You are INFECTED!

    Although I do enjoy the idea, I dont ever see it becoming a reality because as it stands right now DayZ is a zombie survival game not a zombie playing game(Couldn't think of a better way to describe it.) Also I think many players would get angry cause they came to play the survival aspect and would create new players every time they became infected. Linux I don't want you to think I am insulting your idea just stating my opinion on the matter. Anyways happy surviving! :beans:
  6. Heineken (DayZ)

    Need a Sniper

    Just letting you know the CZ550 is not a "Noob" weapon stat wise it does the same damage and range as the DMR and the M24. The only difference is of course the sights and ammunition. Just letting you know good luck on you sniper hunt!
  7. Heineken (DayZ)

    How to collect meat after gutting?

    I have had an issue were I can gut any of the animals but the pigs. Really annoying. <_<
  8. Heineken (DayZ)

    Hey can anyone help me?

    DayZ is not a stand-alone game. It is a mod for the Arma 2 engine. So what you need to do is buy Arma 2 Combined Operations which is $25 on steam right now. I have also heard it is on sale at Amazon for only $20. Steam- http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4638/ Amazon-http://www.amazon.com/Meridian4-40365ned-Operations-ArmA2-Combined/dp/B003UV8RRE/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1342297254&sr=8-1&keywords=arma+2
  9. Heineken (DayZ)

    What's the weirdest way you have died?

    I got hit by a bus full speed and got flung from the edge of Balota to Cherno! Made for a hilarious team speak chat!
  10. Heineken (DayZ)

    Debug Monitor in the way of noise level HUD

    Sigh, I have the exact same problem. Changing the UI size just makes the debug monitor smaller but still on top of the ear...really annoying.
  11. Heineken (DayZ)

    Guy Logged out under fire (US 245)

    Sadly, without any proof no action can be taken. Sorry bro, this type of thing happens all the time...even though it pretty much ruins the game.
  12. Heineken (DayZ)

    What gun did you find the first time?

    Double Barrel or a Makorav, I can't remember the order.
  13. Heineken (DayZ)

    Maximum number of players has been reached

    If you use the six launcher it can put you into a waiting list!
  14. Heineken (DayZ)

    Finding a location to pitch a tent?

    Most of the time what I do is I keep my gear screen open, try to pitch the tent if it does not work I just inch my way forward and keep clicking "Pitch Tent" It works eventually. Good luck!
  15. Heineken (DayZ)

    [video] Probably the cutest thing you will ever see on DayZ

    Oh god, this song brought back so many bad memories. (If you know what website I am talking about, I feel equally sorry for you!) :(
  16. Heineken (DayZ)

    What should I do about this?

    I have never seen this error before, however you may want to re-install the game that is sort of the fix all solution in Arma.
  17. Heineken (DayZ)

    oops...uh...how would i fix this...?

    I suggest uninstalling and the re-installing the game again. (Then stay away from that options menu!) :P
  18. Heineken (DayZ)

    Some Advice For Hunting Animals In 1.7.2

    Well I think it is just the pigs. I can get the meat off any of the other animals in the game but I am not given the option to take from the pigs. Could be a possible bug? I am not sure anyone else experiencing the same issue? :huh: