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About xiphas

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  1. Woot , it's been annoying as hell the past few days to find 767 it changed to 1585 for a while , glad its back, it's my home server
  2. nothing, the guy doesnt know what hes talking about, everyone is getting fucked up graphics since the lastest patch, only way to fix it atm is to relog
  3. got caught in some barbwire in the southern barracks of the NWAF. Legs are broken and im down to 5k blood, i had a bandage but no morphine, anyone willing to help a fellow survivor out?
  4. lol gotta love all the sniper kids
  5. LOL people still use that map? god its bad. Do yourself a favor http://dayzdb.com/map
  6. xiphas

    I have become a monster..

    surviving against zombies was fun for about a week or so, but the game is alot more fun pvp'ing now, my whole group agrees. This may just be one of the best pvp games ive ever played
  7. xiphas

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    ohh and now it says my cd key is bad, awesome guide bro
  8. xiphas

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    step 4 requires a username and pass to download file, fail much?
  9. server wont go into night-time at all, lots of de-sync, and lack of item repawns. can we get a response
  10. xiphas

    Where's My Candians At?

    hey guys also interested in playing with some fellow canadians, im from and live in vancouver. 27m just started playing today, been reading up on this game for weeks now and just couldnt hold out any longer, sounded to awesome.