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About nanderson1292@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    U.S. Indiana
  1. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    New Clan Recruiting!

    I'll be adding everyone as fast as i can and we still dnt have a clan name yet the 4 founders fernando,dom,paul,and myself have been busy this wekend to come up wit one but ideas r welcome ty for all the replys guys this is more than we expected.
  2. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    New Clan Recruiting!

    King Kobra ur added to steam and skype Charlie sent skype request Gramgax i cannot find u on steam plz add me letocronus
  3. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    New Clan Recruiting!

    ^^ sent skype request im off for night. see you when im on or if someone else contacts yous
  4. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    New Clan Recruiting!

    ^^add me on steam:letocronus also founder of this clan
  5. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    CLR Error: 80004005

    I am haveing the same issues with my desktop have you found a solution to this issue yet?
  6. nanderson1292@gmail.com

    Bandit looking for more to join.

    Well im new to dayz but i rlly wanna be a bandit and run with a group so hit me up on steam:letocronus or skype: ig_tandem