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About reetardKURTIS

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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    Behind you
  • Interests
    DayZ, video games, talking to friends, listening to music such as Eminem, Avenged Sevenfold, Queens of the Stone Age, Them Crooked Vultures, Muse, and other rock
  1. My freaking brother got me banned. I was playing but I had to go so I quit but I forgot to log off my computer. After I left, my little brother went on the computer and he downloaded hacks. Then he got me banned like an idiot without me even knowing. Any help is appreciated.
  2. reetardKURTIS

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    I 100% agree.
  3. A good gun, a coyote backpack, NVG, rangefinder, or GPS are what I'm looking for. I'm willing to trade some SVD mags. Add me on skype if interested - Kman2097.
  4. reetardKURTIS

    Black screen receiving

  5. This happens randomly when we are playing like every 10-30 minutes. We will just be running along or something and his screed turns black and says "receiving" forever. Sometimes it does this and doesn't go back into the game but sometimes it resumes. Thanks for the help, me and Ben really appreciate it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh4uFGeUaBA&feature=player_embedded
  6. reetardKURTIS

    Help me fix this game-breaking glitch

    yup tried reinstalling, made it worse
  7. This happens randomly when we are playing like every 10-30 minutes. We will just be running along or something and his screed turns black and says "receiving" forever. Sometimes it does this and doesn't go back into the game but sometimes it resumes. Thanks for the help, me and Ben really appreciate it! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dh4uFGeUaBA
  8. reetardKURTIS

    Any way to recover from -127,021 humanity?

    Now I'm at -121,171. HURRAY
  9. reetardKURTIS

    Looking for SVD or MK48

    I've got an SVD Camo in my backpack with 1 full mag.
  10. reetardKURTIS

    Any way to recover from -127,021 humanity?

    I want to change because I dont play the bandit style. I honestly help as many people as I can mostly my friends. I just didn't die for a very long time and I only kill people when I or my friend are in danger.