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About mrjenkins

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  1. Very much appreciated mate, thank you. Looking forward to giving your servers a good run!
  2. Heard about this private hive a few times on the /r/dayz board, fancied giving it a try and realised theres an invite only membership into the hive, just curious as to when/if you'll ever be accepting new members?
  3. mrjenkins

    Found 2 dead hackers

    Suppressed PDW and M4A1 Holo SD are hacked in weapons. The non-suppressed M4A1 Holo is a legit weapon, very rare though.
  4. mrjenkins

    SVD Camo

    Have to agree with Tegla on this one, the DMR is probably the best all round sniper rifle. Never even seen an SVD camo till a few days ago me and a few friends found a player camp after fixing a heli, stole the ural and it had over 12 SVD's in the gear lol. Our group usually takes one M107 incase we see a vehicle which we need to disable, and the sheer damage at long ranges is a bonus if your not really skilled in sniping is a plus for the .50 cal's. But if your a good shot then the DMR is probably the best weapon, accurate, can use NVG's with the scope, ammo is plentyful, oh and you can fire the damn thing like a machinegun in close combat lol.
  5. mrjenkins

    Camo Tarps For Vehicles

    You sir may have my beans. Back to the thread, i guess they would be cool to help take away the broad outline of a vehicle, but people will still be able to notice them quite far away (Grass rendering at long range etc). +1 like the idea
  6. mrjenkins

    My idears.

    Er.. Educated guess but i think 1. is about clothes lol, tbh i think a variety in the survivor skins would be good, not liking the idea of clothes getting dirty. 2. Maybe when the game becomes standalone, its quite a effort to redo the map to include many more enterable houses. 3. lol'd at the crates idea "couriers in Cherno?" Also i don't see the seats as having a use tbh, aesthetically maybe. 4. ACE mod had a fatigue system (IIRC) would be good having to rely on sneaking much more i guess, the game would be much harder especially for new characters, might be a good or bad idea dunno needs more thinking. P.s Guessing your drunk lol, DayZ is much more fun intoxicated!
  7. mrjenkins

    Auto run is a must !

    A way to solve this is, if you run your game through steam, while holding down 'W' press shift and tab at the same time which brings up steam community, shift and tab again closes it which seems to lock the 'W' key down, and there you have it running without pressing the W key! Also to cancel the auto run just press the W key again.
  8. mrjenkins

    Specific Replacement Weaponry (USSR)

    +1 to this, like the idea of more USSR weaponry especially the SKS rifle idea, and imo remove the bizon from the crashed heli and replace it with a variation of a western weapon (seems more plausible me thinks).
  9. mrjenkins

    Guns? Why need guns?

    I do like your idea alot, especially #4 but in #1 you say to fix melee weapons, the arma II engine doesn't (as far as i know) have an actually melee weapon code, the melee weapons the dev team added are nothing more than short range firearms, so it would be rather difficult for the dev team to 'fix' melee But +1 to see less military grade loot in firestations and new variations in melee weapons.
  10. mrjenkins

    Man on the Hill - 30 Kills, 6 Minutes, NWAF.

    I will say i detest snipers with a passion, but i will also have to say that was some bloody nice shooting mate ;)
  11. mrjenkins

    New infected.

    Thanks for the constructive criticism everyone, much appreciated. I have to say i do like the idea, but imo there wouldn't be any reason for the zombie to drop any medical supplies if it just patrols infront of the hospital anyways. The reason i see a medical zombie useful (other than aesthetical variation) is if for instance, you are engaged in a fight, pvp or environmental and something happens to break your legs, you could get a lucky break and see a medical zombie wandering around which is much closer to you than the nearest hospital. I do love the idea of the medic zombies and engineer zombies having a purpose other than being aesthetic commodities, however i only see it happening in rare occasions. Thanks for the posts people!
  12. 1. You could always turn your effects down in options. 2. Dev team are trying to sort it out. 3. Imo the zombies are thought out to be "relentless brain hungry killers", also it removes alot of the fear and tension of sneaking through a town and whatnot. 4. Agreed to that 5. Don't move in their vision radius, you can crawl behind them no problem. 6. lol, tbh i quite enjoy the image of getting chaised by zombie Jamie from mythbusters. This game is more about the survival aspect rather than the action aspect of runnning and gunning zombies, more enterable buildings would be nice, but if you enjoy playing in night time (which i do) forests can be terrifying at times even though i know nothing is out there.
  13. mrjenkins

    New infected.

    Morning all. New infected such as zombie Doctors which may drop morphine or painkillers when killed, also Mechanic zombies would have scrap metal or toolboxes on them. Have them only spawn in select locations, Doctors only spawning in the major cities which have hospitals and Mechanic zombies spawning around industrial areas in cities. p.s my apologies if this idea has already been looked at.
  14. mrjenkins

    Combining more ammunition types

    Not too keen on the SD -> Normal mag conversion, however i will +1 for more combinable ammo types, maybe DMR -> Fal seeing as fal ammo is rare as hell and the base Fal is pretty much an AKM imo.