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About Jorilhelea

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  1. Jorilhelea

    Mind helpin' me with some fps issues?

    I know, I haven't attempted any of that nonsense, thank you.
  2. Jorilhelea

    Mind helpin' me with some fps issues?

    Damn, thanks for the reply, yes I have turned my settings down to low and checked the processes....
  3. Hello, I have been part of this community, the dayz community for some time. In the past I have never had FPS issues... even before I upgraded my computer. However recently when ever I play Dayz, this also applies for Arma 2, Arma 2: OA, and Arma 3, I have some major problems. I get these random lag spikes. They happen, maybe, every 30 seconds; my FPS will drop to an unplayable level, then after maybe 10 seconds it goes back to 60+ FPS.This continues to happen only on games related to Arma. I am in need of help, this is really preventing me from enjoying the game. Thank you for reading, and any advice you could give me would be much appreciated.
  4. Jorilhelea

    Recruitin for a survivor group

    Hello sir, this does indeed sound interesting; and I am interested in joining. Age: 15 (fairly young I know) Experience: I would say I am in between intermediate and expert, I have played Dayz for some time now; and I can handle myself, and I have played countless hours of Arma 2 itself. Job Interest: I can do either sniping, or piloting; when i mentioned the amount of time spent on the actual game... that was mainly dedicated to practicing my sniping and piloting. (I can do what ever you need me to do however). Specialties: I have a lot of skill with stealth, and remaining calm in difficult situations.Also, when it comes to piloting; i am very skilled at landing, and lifting off quickly and safely, and i am especially good at piloting the UH-1H Heuy, which is the helicopter in Dayz. From, Jorilhelea
  5. Jorilhelea

    Looking to create a squad

    That sounds interesting.... i'll add you.
  6. Jorilhelea

    Looking for people to play with.

    Hey man, i would like to join you (same age, and time zone). However, because of school i cant always play all that often. Is that fine with you? Btw, my skype is: Jorilhelea.
  7. Jorilhelea

    Can you play dayz alone - For long??

    I personally am an introvert, meaning i don't like being with other people. This personality also comes out when i play DayZ; so i find my own way to survive. First off, do NOT be seen; just hide. Secondly, get yourself a hatchet, hunting knife, and matches; this would allow you to kill animals, get their meat and cook it. This will restore 800 blood per piece. And lastly( i really hate to say this) but as a solo player, you should be a bandit(i really don't like saying this) you are at a disadvantage; anything helps. however, in your current situation I would simply say: die and restart, keeping all of the information i just gave in mind. Or you can find another player to play with. If you ever need anyone send me a message on Skype: Jorilhelea. -Alex
  8. Jorilhelea

    Anybody wanna play dayz with me?

    Sure i might be interested, but i wont be able to play that much because of school... Skype name- Jorilhelea
  9. Jorilhelea

    Trading L85

    Yeah, i sort of noticed that after i made the post... but i really would like to stay in the group i'm with, and not have any of them angry with me... again sorry for all of the issues i was having.
  10. Jorilhelea

    Trading L85

    Well i thank you Mr. Audemed For actually trading the items in a fair way, and I also thank you for being able to deal with my poor navigation skills... So to everyone that thought this was a trap, THE TRADE WAS SUCCESSFUL.
  11. Jorilhelea

    Trading L85

    Oh shit....... i...... forgot to.............................................
  12. Jorilhelea

    Trading L85

    Yeah it is a sort of terrible group... but there are so many moments where i really enjoy playing with them, but they all really get into the game. Frankly i would probably do the same thing if someone else lost it... and i don't care if you think it is a trap or not, my plan is to basically follow what Audemed wants me to do.
  13. Jorilhelea

    Trading L85

    would you take a ghillie and an AS50... Ok I am in a really shitty situation, basically the group I am in got a l85 that went to me with a warning; "if you loss it your head will be on a spike."... and guess what... the server in which the tent I had it in shut down, so at this point I am willing to trade almost anything I have. because I really like this group. If you need more I can do rangefinders and NVG, please consider this offer. and if you accept add me on Skype or Steam: Jorilhelea
  14. Jorilhelea

    Looking for rangefinder & ghillie suit

    I would like to trade a range finder, and a ghillie suit for the L85A2 AWS.... add me on skype: Jorilhelea
  15. Jorilhelea

    Looking for Ghillie Suit and others

    Yes i am in fact willing to trade a ghillie suit for the m107... contact me on skype if you want this to happen: Jorilhelea