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Everything posted by FaxMonkey

  1. I just wanted to share this with those of you that have a logitech G keyboard. It's a script for creating an autorun button, to help prevent RSI during those long hiking trips. This G button just toggles the forward key down (on first press) and then toggles it off on the second press. If you try to do this using the repeat option in the logitech profile software it has problems with enabling sticky keys or making you sprint uncontrolably everytime you press the button. TO CREATE YOUR AUTORUN BUTTON Open your logitech gaming software Go to the profiles section Right click on your DayZ profile > click 'scripting' Paste the following into the new 'DayZ - Script' window that just appeared. If it only has the default script then you can delete it and completely replace it. Save the default script into notepad before deleting it if your worried about making a mistake. If you have a custom script already in there then you should know how to add this below bit in. shiftToggle = false function OnEvent(event,arg) if event == "G_PRESSED" and arg == 1 then -- 1 is the G key number, you can change to any other Gkey shiftToggle = not shiftToggle if shiftToggle then PressKey("w") else ReleaseKey("w") end end end Go to the 'Script' menu up the top > click 'Save'. You should get a message below that says something like "(11:06:33) Script Loaded (DayZ)". If there are extra lines or if it says something else the script may be wrong. Test in Dayz. It can be slightly fiddly if you press forward and this button at the same time as it will make you sprint. It's pretty easy to get used to though and works pretty well. Hope it saves some of you some pain.
  2. FaxMonkey

    The day in the life of an utter expert

    Sorry but you will never be as elite as this guy. 1 makarov shot brings down a helicopter... edit: fixed link
  3. FaxMonkey

    Gamescom - Aug 2012 - Interviews

    You've totally misunderstood what he is saying. 1. Yes he understands consoles will restrict the game too much 2. Says development will continue on Pc and at some stage it will be evaluated to see if they can do a port. It's not being built with a console in mind. 3. Admits load a money if they can port it - which will be good for the game any way you look at it. 4. Also states that a console port would be a different version/simplified/whatever, not the same game as the PC version
  4. Can somebody please do a "Hitler waits for the '1 Makarov shot takes down a helicopter' video" thingy with the subtitles?
  5. Screenshots/links or it didn't happen
  6. So many people complaining about the removal of the respawn button in the mew patch. Give new people that enter a server the option to group and spawn together in the same location.
  7. FaxMonkey

    Chernarus - A DayZ Fan Fiction

    This section os only for trolling.
  8. FaxMonkey

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    This will be the best change yet. Bring it on.
  9. FaxMonkey

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    The last 24 hours is probably up because of the last patch that was released a day ago. This patch also seems to have gone some way to fixing a few issues. More evidence that one week worth of data is no where near enough.
  10. FaxMonkey

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Maybe I'm confused but 'Players in last 24 hours' is lower on the 14 July (107,370) than the 7th of July (112,337). This ads weight to z-layrex's theory that people have stopped playing the game properly for any length of time because of the game ruining update. It also adds weight to the argument that this isn't enough analysis to draw any trends/conclusions from.
  11. FaxMonkey

    [UPDATED] Weekly Stats, PvP Trends

    Nice to see somebody attempting some statistics but it's not a good enough analysis to draw any conclusions yet. You can't draw trend conclusions from changes in approximately 1%. Combined with only two dates in the trend, it doesn't really mean anything and the changes could be due to random events. You mentioned all the new players starting up each day. A good chunk of these new players are still figring out how to avoid Zombie's and get weapons let alone start PvPing. You've created a trend analysis over a period that in includes major patch updates. The changes in the patches are probably enough to totally stuff your figures. This would need more analysis over months before you can draw any conclusions. How will you account for all the other external factors such as eg. 'number of deaths due to bugs' 'number of suicides by running into Zeds' (it took me a few weeks to figure out there is a respawn button) 'average time for new players to learn the system' (and start safely finding weapons and PvPing) 'number of players that are continuing to play' etc
  12. FaxMonkey


    Try the suggestions forum. It's got pages of stuff people would like to see.
  13. Each server you play on has it's own unique version of your character. If you change servers you don't spawn in the same place with the same equipment. MMO's do it, probably for some of these reasons. I think it would stop server hopping for gear and ghosting. I have no idea, technically, if the devs have resources to implement this though.
  14. Deagen on twitch tv also just had the same thing happen twice. First was a battleye disconnect for 'corrupted memory'. Second was a battleye disconnect for 'no update'. No idea which server he was on or if it was the same server each time.
  15. This doesn't prevent you playing on other servers. Also, razorwire blocking buildings is an issue in itself and it needs a seperate fix.
  16. FaxMonkey

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    This idea/quote (and the proposed mechanic) essentially condones ghosting as a valid and acceptable gameplay tactic.
  17. FaxMonkey

    Don't move DayZ to Arma 3

    That article that states a stabdalone release by September seems dodge to me. It's based off another article that has some half quote in it from rezzed. I get the feeling he could have been talking about anything being released September. Developing a standalone alpha game by September also seems ludicrous.
  18. FaxMonkey

    Some feature ideas requesting feedback

    Seems like a bad idea to me. Adding game mechanics to counter game exploits is not the right way to go about it. What about fresh spawns? They have no chance of beating ghosters unless they've been lucky enough to find the gear required to stop this type of exploiting. There is probably a much simpler way to stop ghosting. Say, if you completely disconnect from a server you can't rejoin the same server for another 20 mins. Stop the exploit from being possible, don't try to counter it with gimmicks. Portable radio towers would be better served as a game communication mechanic.
  19. Your an idiot for not realising that the OP talks about the suggestions forum in his post.
  20. The majority of this hype has been community generated. This coupled with the rising player numbers is proof that it's not a niche game. It's just something kind of new and refreshing. Personally this game style is something I've been waiting for quite a while.
  21. The developer of Day Z, Rocket or Dean Hall, is inflicting his own outdated and insulting beliefs to everyone who plays Day Z. Whenever you kill an animal your murder count does not increase. Killing an animal... is... murder! This is just downright pathetic. First of all, life is not binary. There are many people who do not identify animals as something other than food, but I won't get into that. I'm not vegan, but I fully support their cause of saving animals. When I play Day Z and kill an animal to increase my blood count, I'm not forced to have reduced humanity and increased murder count - something that should happen. The developer of Day Z probably (I have no evidence of this at all) insists that it cannot be changed for no valid reason other than personal beliefs. Bohemians do the right thing and so should Dean Hall, by supporting the vegan movement and not imposing his own murderous beliefs. But what you can do is, don't buy DayZ. Download it for free, because it's a free mod. Also support companies like Google who give you the option of using search engines that haven't been tested on animals.
  22. Haha, yes! Only spinach for me.
  23. I just retested this one and it doesn't work for me. I've got a G15. I assume you mean 'multi-key' when you say macro editor. When I use this method the macro just works like a normal W key. no autorun, only works while it's held down. Also, Ag3nt Richt3r - if you could post your method that would be good as all the macro's I tested weren't ideal (sprinting, sticky keys, not working in prone or crouching). I'd like to know if there is an easier way.
  24. 24 posts and no Spiderman memes? I feel insulted.