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Everything posted by tsugan

  1. Seems like the only way at this point to allow people to play without worry. Yes, I understand why it shouldn't be allowed (in a normal game, with a normal level of hackers). But the fact is there isn't a normal amount of hackers in DayZ, it's totally out of control, and there's no way to fix it really. So the server owners have to take it in their own hands, we've been forced to this drastic decision, better to risk blacklisting than have your server be emptied every few hours by hackers anyway.
  2. Meh, not really THAT big of an issue, those rifles are supposed to be super rare, and therefore rarely encountered. But due to duping (hehe) they are everywhere and people are getting one shotted by them 24/7. But it was an interesting read!
  3. Sounds like the admin also hacks lol, worse than normal! Unless of course hackers have found ways to make it LOOK like they are server admins, which would be a great way to permanently troll some poor server owner after he gets blacklisted from the hive. Sounds like a shitty situation either way.
  4. tsugan

    Most entertaining player names in DayZ

    Whole Seinfeld cast appeared in a server once, it was great.
  5. tsugan

    Scythia Clan!

    Delta Squad is now accepting new recruits!
  6. Bump! Delta Squad is now expanding and accepting new members!
  7. tsugan

    Admin Abuse US 501

    Not sure if serious....
  8. tsugan

    New zombie Classes (big post)

    Let's keep the L4D stuff out of DayZ, if I want Arcade style stuff, I'll play that. This is supposed to be a "realism" style zombie game.
  9. Charlie Squad is now active and expanding!
  10. All members please go to our website and register!
  11. New website is now active!
  12. tsugan

    A question.

    Lol this thread.
  13. tsugan

    Impossible to do a survivor

    Well, you need to understand about 90% of players nowadays shoot on site. Even if someone says friendly, there's a high chance the "friendly" player will turn around and back stab you! Really not worth the risk with random players.
  14. tsugan

    Is there a new map?

    Are you talking about the recently announced stand-alone game or a new map for the mod version?
  15. Bump! Scythia is now looking for a home server! Any interested host please PM me on the forums! Scythia would of course fully endorse you and your server, and use it to its fullest potential!
  16. Wouldn't be so mad about dying to hackers if this type of stuff was more common. Most just copy+paste hacks and do nothing creative with it. Sounds like a great dose of hysteria to DayZ!
  17. My only advice to you is to wait, and be patient. Right now I think this game is in it's most "unplayable" state its ever been in (obviously not counting early pre-alpha stuff). Hackers are forcing people into servers that they would normally not play on, and these servers could have issues (Like the one you're on). Root of pretty much every problem here is hackers! Oh, that might be it...
  18. You can all most certainly be in the same squad :). Come into TeamSpeak sometime so we can get you allocated!
  19. Bump! We are now dividing people into squads (Currently Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, and Foxtrot) Being in Alpha doesn't mean you are necessarily better than a person in Foxtrot, and vice versa, it is used for organisational purposes only! Those who applied check Steam for friend invite!
  20. All applications have been processed up to this point on the thread! (Shameless bump to keep organized!)
  21. Welp, if any hackers wander to this post I guess they'll know where to go!
  22. tsugan

    What the hell is going on on US 244

    Hacking is so rampant in this game it's pretty much a 50/50 chance that you'll die to a hacker. There's no solution on the way either, except in the form of a standalone game which is coming in the indefinite future. Let the world burn