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Everything posted by darknight558

  1. We got a steam group going called the Anti-Bandits. It is our goal to improve the overall experience of dayZ a couple steps at a time. Our first way of doing this is by not letting our fellow members shoot on sight without due cause, and banning anyone who does not follow this rule. We have our own Teamspeak server, with our only requirements being that you follow the rules. no sign up hassle, nothing! If any of you are interested, feel free to join the group chat in the link below to be invited in. No Mic required. (Noobs, Minors, Carebears, etc. Welcome. Bandits obviously are not :P) http://steamcommunit...groups/TAB-DayZ
  2. DayZ Alpher (insert pic of rocket's disembodied head photoshopped onto the Dayz logo)
  3. darknight558

    new patch and cheaters

    The docks have a glitch where they throw you up 20ft in the air and kill you. The docks at elektro are a death trap now, i lost an m4 and everything else on my body because of it...
  4. darknight558

    Would appreciate help from someone (I am a noob)

    Add me on steam and I'll help ya however i can. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003822007/
  5. darknight558

    Dragging Bodies in Standalone?

    You can already drag unconscious people into any vehicle with the Load Patient option when you drag them near it. I cant see them taking this out for the standalone.
  6. darknight558

    Looking for a clan

    Nice to see another hero on DayZ Although i'd recommend putting on a camo or ghillie suit until the teleporting glitch is fixed XD. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/gid/103582791433289098
  7. darknight558

    Helping all new players

    I remember when you were asking for someone to teach you the ropes way back in September XD, it's nice seeing another friendly face out there.
  8. darknight558

    Start DayZ or Arma2?

    The best thing to do is just start up DayZ and screw around near the coast in the 2 big cities (Cherno and Elektro). The inventory screen is something that is going to take a LONG time to get used to. The only thing i would recommend learning from Arma 2 is flying a chopper. Choppers are going to be a complete mystery to you on how to fly them unless you learn it in the armory first.
  9. darknight558

    Looking for Clan or team to join

    Nice to see another Candian XD, I'm from Manitoba. I run with a group of friendlies called The Anti-Bandits. As long as you don't shoot people without due cause, we will get along just fine. PM me here or on my steam profile if you wanna learn all about DayZ (I've been playing since June). Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/
  10. darknight558

    Here, let's all describe DayZ in one word

    Friendly? *(Insert name here) was killed*
  11. darknight558

    looking to join a small group great skills to offer

    The Anti-Bandits is going into dedicated 5-man squads for the standalone. Each group will act as a seperate entity, but the leader of each squad will keep in touch with other leaders in order to keep tabs on each other. If you're interested in this collective squad chain of command, hit me up on my steam profile. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/
  12. darknight558

    Requiring people who can become team mates.

    We got a clan called The Anti-Bandits you could join. Our only policy is that you do not shoot people without due cause. We are currently planning dedicated squads for the standalone, and any TAB members can sign up for one. Check the link below if interested. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/
  13. darknight558

    Looking for someone to teach me the ropes.

    I can teach ya, i've been playing the game since june. While we play though, we never shoot people without due cause. Steam id: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/
  14. One of the most real stories i have experienced in dayz was when i was helping a new guy out. I had went to cherno (the big city in the game) to meet with a friend (im mainly a guy who just hides up north because it's nice and peaceful there XD), but his game didnt like joining that server so i just screwed around in the server for a couple of hours. While screwing around, I met this guy in the church who had no gun, so i had decided to give him my AKM (think ak-47). Fast foward about 50 min later and im in the adjacent big town (elektro) and while i was looting the grocery store, some crazy hatchet fucker came at me, broke my legs, and left me at almost no blood. I had managed to injure him with my m1911 and patchup just before i bled out. I'm guessing he thought he could quickly kill me and steal my gear before i even got out of the looting menu. once he realised he brought a hatchet to a gun fight, he ran out of the grocery store and he didnt come back. fastfoward a couple of paranoid minutes waiting for his return, i had finally started planning my way to the hospital near by. When all of a sudden I hear "turn around and you're dead". Some guy must've heard my shots from the fight. So while he is aiming at me another guy comes out from the back of the grocery store and faces me. I say dont worry, im friendly. and i hear a familiar voice reply . "Hey, i know that voice! its the guy who gave me the ak back at the church!" I replied, heh, ya, im in pretty rough shape. So anyway, the guy who he was rolling with was another stranger he met in town, he went to get medical supplies and we never heard from em again. But me and the church guy were able to make it to the hospital and patch me up. When we started heading north from the hospital we had met with another person who had a hatchet and the same skin as the guy who tried to kill me, but we scared him off with a couple of bullets near his feet. I didn't want to take the chance that it was just an unlucky newspawn at the wrong place and the wrong time. We got the hell out of that city after that and headed north for his friend's base. Sry for the wall of text, but there's a lot more when that came from if you need inspiration. I've been playing the game since June. Excuse me for the horrible grammar, i'm just writing it as i remember more of that day; It was a long time ago XD. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunit...d/darknight558/ The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunit...groups/TAB-DayZ
  15. darknight558

    hi bambi here

    I'll help ya start out. I've been playing the game since June, so i know everything there is to know about it XD. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/
  16. darknight558

    Looking for group

    We got a group called The Anti-Bandits you could join. Our only policy is that you do not shoot people without due cause. Check the link below if interested. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  17. darknight558

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Well it aint going to be in December, let's all hope for a January release XD. One thing that still really bothers me though is that he had said that dogs would be implemented in the mod before the standalone is released. Does this mean they had to comprimise a bit on the release date in order to make more progress on the mod? All i can say is leave the Mod to the community so we can play and morph it. The standalone can be a AAA envisionment of the game, and we can see what works and what doesn't work in order to make both of them better. TLDR: Let the community do the mod experimenting, leave the standalone for the devs. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  18. darknight558

    Hi Guys, Im Back.. What's Changed??

    To sum it up.... -huey was gone and is now back. Along with 2 other choppers (littlebird, and mi17) and a proppeller plane i have yet to find -l85 is GONE, no longer on the loot table (if you have one, be ready to go into fetal position and cry when u lose it) - ladders no longer kill u if u climb em with your sidearm out -you don't spawn with the makaroni anymore ( this one was a long time ago) -radar is gone from huey, and so is the leaking (as long as every single thing including glass is repaired on it) -the debug monitor was reworked and then eventually removed completely -tents are somewat more reliable - hero and bandits are back, along with the humanity system (-2000 is bandit headwrap, positive 5000 is full on hero suit with scarf) And a whole bunch of stuff i have probably overlooked since there has been a lot of revamps of the mod since i started playing. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  19. darknight558

    Looking for friends to play with

    If you had a ghillie and a CZ 550 in August, how are you new to the game?
  20. darknight558

    Noob here

    -Hit the main cities (Cherno and Elektro) because they spawn the most loot, and get out of there as fast as you can once you get a good amount of supplies. Those cities are the main pvp hub in the game. -Don't bother going for vehicle parts until you have a decent hold of the game, vehicles are the number one way of getting yourself killed. They are loud, make you defenseless, and force you to go on roads. - Hang in groups, people love to quickly pop one in your head and get away with your gear. Hanging in groups makes it much more intimidating, and may make them just avoid you entirely -Avoid conflict with people: I bet half the people here will tell you trust no one. But there are many good people out there, only fire upon people that seem to threaten you. The best experiences of this game is coming out of a random encounter with a new friend. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunit...d/darknight558/ Steam Group: http://steamcommunit...groups/TAB-DayZ
  21. We got a group you could join called The Anti-Bandits. Our only policy is that you cant shot people without due cause. Check the link below if interested. The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  22. darknight558

    Looking for a partner

    I'd help you learn the game. I've been playing it since June and could show you all the tips and tricks of it. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/ The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  23. darknight558

    help dayz server question

    There are main servers (which are the official one). and private servers (server with different saves). Just join any official ones and it will transfer all of your gear. DayZ commander differentiates them best by putting little clouds on private ones in the server browser. http://www.dayzcommander.com/ The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  24. darknight558

    Newbie looking for help to get started

    I can teach you all the basics of DayZ. I've been playing since June so i know a thing or two about the game XD. Hit me up on my group chat or add me as a friend personally on steam if you need a mentor. Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/darknight558/ The Anti-Bandits Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TAB-DayZ
  25. darknight558

    L85 Should it stay or go

    bring it back, but make it VERY rare.