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Everything posted by jruhe240@gmail.com

  1. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Killing Zombies with Vehicles counts towards overall zed kills

    I ran over a player shooting his pistol at my truck yesterday and never got the kill which is kind of good in a way?
  2. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Animal Diversions

    I'm not sure if anything like this has ever been suggested but ever since I have started DayZ I have wished that if I had zombies on my tail and I saw an animal such as a cow or goat that I could just run right past it and have the zombies possibly go for it instead of me. What are other peoples thoughts on this? Would it be too easy to get zombies off you?
  3. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Get fat

    Also add diabetes into the game from too much soda consumption.
  4. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Putting live grenades in other peoples' backpacks.

    Have you ever used a grenade in Arma 2/DayZ? The blast radius is huge so you wouldn't be able to run away without taking damage.
  5. jruhe240@gmail.com


    Can I have your beans?
  6. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Clothing Bug

    It is, I lost my camo clothing with the recent update. Don't put on any new camo clothing or ghillie suits until the bug is resolved because it will cause you to teleport into the sea then back to where you were which will make you lose all of your items.
  7. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Dual Boxing Accs?

    Very nice, I may actually try that since I always want to play DayZ but I don't want to move away from where my squad and I had logged out on my main character. I didn't think about changing the key once a client was already open, clever.
  8. jruhe240@gmail.com

    L85-AWS Cant Pick Up

    Correct but on accident and will be fixed soon as stated by Rocket in another thread.
  9. jruhe240@gmail.com

    Dual Boxing Accs?

    I am no dual boxing expert by any means but I doubt this is possible since you don't login with a login/password, instead your game key is stashed in your registry so you would need two computers with 2 different copies of arma to run two accounts at once. // Edit Forgot to answer your other questions (sorry). I think it would be bad if people started using second accounts as mules doing things such as going into the city for medical supplies instead of risking the loss of their gear from a conflict with players/zombies or just being a server hopping tent basically. The game is relatively quite cheap but like I stated above I think you would need two computers in order to play two accounts simultaneously.
  10. Well put, this game has many glitches yet it is so much fun.