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Everything posted by FatmanSh00t

  1. Hey all, We have a private hive server which we have just recently started up. We are a friendly group of lads who are looking more people to come too are server and play with us. Everyone is welcome from new people who play Dayz, to people who are bandits. We have active admins on. We have a custom load out which most private hives offer with arrange of vehicles. So please come along and have a go on are server. We currently don't have a teamspeak but we are working on that. Server IP: Thanks FatmanSh00t :)
  2. FatmanSh00t

    Bored of Playing on Your Own???

    Applying: Name: My name is Bryan Gaming Name: My gaming name is FatmanSh00t Age: I'm 20 Location: I'm from Norther Ireland What Games Do you Play The Most?: Games i play the most Mount and Blade: Warband Napoleonic Wars Rome: Total War Shogun 2: Total War Dayz Experience: Why Do you Want To Join?: I would like to join because I'm tired of playing by myself and getting killed by other persons.
  3. FatmanSh00t

    Looking for other survivors. Use Teamspeak.

    Hey, Im looking people too play with, I'm at cherno at the minute, i have a weapon and supplies, add me on skype: bryan.murray129