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Everything posted by ieyfura

  1. I don't kill others at the moment. (Rather just avoid conflict if possible, or shoot in self defense). But I'm yes and no on achievements. For most games, they aren't really implemented right. DayZ is a game that really wouldn't do well with acheivements, so I guess I should just say flat out no, but there is always that rare case that it could work. This leaves me with a tiny fraction of a yes. Achievements are still better left to games along the RPG side of things and other titles such as Journey.
  2. ieyfura

    Your Shoot On Sight Threshold?

    Personally. I only shoot when fired upon. (this may lead to my death more than my survival, but I'm ok with that). As for stealing from me? I wouldn't shoot them for doing so. That would imply that they walked up to me unnoticed, had the chance to kill me and just take everything, and chose not to do so. With my more "carebear"-like tendencies, I'd probably just go our seperate ways even if I caught them. I'm one of those that prefers to see the good in people rather than the harsh reality that most are going to try and kill me. But whatevs. I die, I die. Third and last reason I'll shoot someone, is if they killed a friend of mine unprovoked. (If someone I know is killing on sight, I won't save them. I just don't agree with that mentality, but I won't kill them either. It'd be one of those awkward silence cooperative moments)
  3. ieyfura

    New Dayz Developer

    I believe that Rocket should do as he sees fit. It is his vision after all. Any of the big companies would just meddle with it and it wouldn't be what he wanted in the end. Some of the companies, yes. But to say Valve is shit...I'm sorry, but that is one of the furthest things from the truth I've ever read. But yeah, Activision and EA are pretty shitty. Not sure about the others as much, but definitely not Valve.
  4. is it bad that that I've only ever killed one person in my two/three weeks of playing? And that alone was in self defense after they shot me on sight and forgot to check if I was dead. Should add "in defense" option into your poll there. :P
  5. This is actually a feature I would see being added once the game goes standalone. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement at the given time when Rocket is kind of restricted by Arma 2 with what he can add/subtract into the mod.
  6. ieyfura

    Idea: kits/ loadouts

    I wish I had bookmarked the one post I saw. They had a glorious idea that was similar to this. Where everyone still started out with what we do now, but depending on what sort of weapon you picked up and equipped, it would directly effect your inventory space; This would lead to a sort of "class" based inventory without actually forcing to pick a class at spawn. I need to go see if I gave that post my beans so I can quote it here.
  7. ieyfura

    Why Day-Z Fails

    As much as I love DayZ and all it's setting out to do. (I'm looking at the full scope and what Rocket has planned in the future), those numbers, especially given the average hours played per person, aren't very good at the given moment. Although, given the benefit of the doubt, most sales are relatively new. I think it might be better to check back on this statistic a few more months from now as 3 months really isn't an overall accurate timespan to judge it by. That aside, the OP does make some good points, though a little bit harsh. If you keep up with the interviews and everything Rocket has said, his vision for the game is something fantastic and far superior to what the mod already is. (this is saying something as the mod is pretty damn good for a mod). The only thing that is really holding him back is the lack of manpower to really get this thing moving more to fit the massive amount of new players constantly rolling in. There is only so much a handful of people can do when they get such a large amount of users. I do agree that Rocket needs help with this mod severely, but at the same time, he doesn't want anything interfering with his vision for it; And we all know how companies that can provide the funds like to meddle in the development and such. At this point I'm just rambling, so that's my two cents.