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About blackdawn101

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. blackdawn101

    Buses and other vehicles

    yes an no.
  2. blackdawn101

    ◄►Looking for voice actors!◄►

    Good day. I'd be more than happy to voice act, add me on skype (Whitedusk101) (if it doesnt work, message me on here). I am english and can do many english (male and female) voices, along with a russian voice. Cheers! :D
  3. blackdawn101

    Walling? (bullets penetrating objects)

    i have never heard of bullet penetration within the game, all i know is bullets rebounding and the like.
  4. blackdawn101

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    quite a number of "asks" Will swimming be safe soon? No dropping of le gear? Will wire fencing and tanktraps be fixed in both graphical errors and duping/deploying multiple times? Will you fix the mass tent dupe bug? Whats the status on the Raytracing? Whats the status on Debug hills? Whats the status on helicopters and the like? Those are but a mere few. <3
  5. blackdawn101

    Are these hacks located in .rpt file?

    Those are legit spawns mate, but be sure and try tail him
  6. sup Add me on skype Whitedusk101
  7. blackdawn101

    Humanity original fix - Rocket, give us a minute!

    Bump bump, please give this some attention. Remember that this is a discreet method in identifying the state that someones in, having screenplay is kind of silly (morality = shakey screen, haha no thankyou) But having it visible to other players that your shaken up, bloodied up, etc could really be a lifesaver or create immense tension between new partners or future partners. Remember to read the OP :D
  8. blackdawn101

    The Ban TS3 thread!

    No. Direct chat is primarily used for interacting to survivors you do not know. You cant just pop on a ts3 and be like "YO IM NEXT TO YOU YOU FRIENDLY?" "one does not ban the internet's voice comms". Sorry mate.
  9. blackdawn101

    Holster pistol

    Hit G with your pistol out, then close the gear menu. Until you move, your pistol will be held upwards.
  10. blackdawn101

    Humanity original fix - Rocket, give us a minute!

    It fixes the humanity problem. Self defence? realistically how will you be able to tell if a person has murdered someone in an act of self defence without being there personally? having the suspicion of someone being a murderer by noticing they are bloodied up, adds to the "Is he legit or lying?" Bandit skins immediately gave a false "I KILL EVERYONE IMPRESSION" from 500 metres away, whilest to notice the people are bloody using this method requires you get closer. If the target person lets you get that close, then he likely wont shoot you in the face the moment he see's you, and involves more tactical and "earful" play.
  11. blackdawn101

    Humanity original fix - Rocket, give us a minute!

    Oliva, Rotting flesh and blood would be very distinct from human fresh blood. Obviously if the player kill was quite a while ago, it would not be distinct.
  12. Really simple idea that will keep people guessing and bring a deeper sense of immersion to the game. Its simple, depending on what the character has been doing recently in the game can be summed up in a very brief and undescriptive manner. When you hit M, you see the units page. Correct? You can also hit the players bit and see them in another way. My proposal is that we put use to it. By hovering your reticle over a character, it will give you basic information on what you can see about him/her and what sort of aura he's giving you. In real life, there would be signs of traumatic experiances, bloodloss, injuries, the like. So depending on your distance and what the target has been doing recently within the last (# of hours goes here) would give you a different description availible in the units section, and units only appear with names if the person has typed or used local near you. Example one 1: I spot someone on the other side of a hill, roughly 100 metres away. I cant really make him out, so all i get in the units/player tab is "Unidentified, Male" At 50 metres i can see if he is scared, injured what sort of weapon he carries, how tired he looks. At 10 metres, i can see if he's recently attacked zombies (Dried/wet blood), what he's carrying as a sidearm and primary and how many mags he appears to have for whichever gun is out (only spots inventory mags, not bag mags), how heavy he seems to be (determined by bag slots) and also see if he has got human blood on him (Distinct iron smell, rather than the rotting smell of zombies. This can be determined either by player kills or if he has looted other players). This obviously can be worked apon and integrated similarly to the "study body" system that simply pops up on screen. What do you think? comments criticism
  13. blackdawn101

    Filling water bottle with rain

    You cant drink rain without boiling, even though rainfall is considered the purest form of water it is still full of bacteria depending on what type of climate you live in. post apocolyptic russia, i dont think will have the cleanest air. :L
  14. blackdawn101

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    Pulling up logs? Whats a "So and so" Disconnected going to prove? Skype calls minimize games, it doesnt quit them out. Playing without sound whilest not a crime lead to this mishap. You need to talk to the admin of the server.
  15. blackdawn101

    Banned from US 6 Portland

    Why the hell would you play arma without sound? Thats like going into a military zone in real life, deaf. Sound is the most important thing in arma, and i honestly cant beleive people would play dayz without it. nevertheless, you need to post some kind of proof or get into contact with the person who banned you. Also, skype doesnt magically disco you from arma, if anything, it minimizes.