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Everything posted by darksider2000

  1. darksider2000

    New Zombies Please?!

    To be honest this isn't really a suggestion, more of a rant kind of thing and honestly I don't know if it'll stick.. I've already made a suggestion once, and it got lost in the spam of new suggestions. But anyway it seems you guys at the DayZ dev team have been focusing on things like new weapons, new ways to break your legs (Which DayZ LOVES doing) and new animal AI.. but what about the ZOMBIES?? Isn't this game ABOUT zombies? Zombie apocalypse and all... What amazes me even further is that NO ONE in this community suggested this.. And that's especially odd, because right now there are NO ZOMBIES in this game.. There's bandits, psychopaths and super - athletes with disfigured faces and an amazing ability to walk through walls and hit you even if you're 2 floors below. So fine, the wall clipping issue can't be fixed ATM, but can there at least be some degree of variation? In every sci fi horror game I've played I was actually AFRAID of the zombies to the point where I would press Esc to catch my breath.. Here, it's just a trophy... Shoot your gun, and watch your kills go up, nothing more. No one else feels the same??
  2. darksider2000

    New Zombies Please?!

    That's like saying "I don't care whether that survivor has a revolver or an M249, I'll jump at him with an axe!" Of course they are, how much depends on the mods implementing it but as long as it's visual it can add a whole new degree to PvE gameplay, because so far there's no planning in raiding a player empty airfield, it's just - A. sneak in, B. if detected run to nearest building and then B2. Shoot to kill. For eg. what if there were zombies that could cripple you while you run to that building, and had heightened sense compared to the others, they'd come few in numbers but noticeable and intimidating.. You'd have to plan how to get rid of them first.
  3. darksider2000

    New Zombies Please?!

    Thank you for your input, now take this machete and cut me open... English is not my native so I'm sorry for misusing the term "Sci Fi"
  4. darksider2000

    New Zombies Please?!

    I didn't specify the kind of zombies, and the options are limitless. If "authenticity" is the aim then there's really no issue... When a person is infected and turned his traits are carried with him.. Athletes turn into fast zombies, soldiers turn into agile beasts losing all humanity with nothing left but the knowledge and desire to kill, obese people turn into enduring towers... there - 3 types already.
  5. darksider2000

    New Zombies Please?!

    So an unknown infection that wiped out the entire population and now that dead population is walking around the towns waiting for you... no sci fi?
  6. darksider2000

    People who call themselves bandits.

    There are ways around it.. I once managed to get behind a guy with an AS50 sniping some zombies in the fields east of the NWAF, I unfortunately had nothing but an m1911 with 2 mags, and didn't want to risk my life, so I went all the way around the area he was scoping and got close to him from behind. As soon as I got close enough I started talking, I warned him that if he turns around he dies, and if he runs away he dies, and that if he wants to live I'll let him go, gladly, so long as he drops the AS50 on the ground. After I finished talking I realized he's about to disconnect, it's only natural.. So I tried to kill him but only landed one shot on his leg before he DCed, moments later he reappeared infront of me begging for a bandage, he said he'll do anything.. I asked him why he logged back... Apparently when you shoot a player he gets a "Shock" condition (appears right above the broken legs symbol, looks like a dislocated bone or w/e) if a player logs out while shocked, the moment he logs in he will get the INCREDIBLY long unconsciousness timer, pair that with bleeding after a bullet wound, and you can NOT survive unless someone saves you.. This is the only way I know to f**k up DCers but I'm sure there are others as well. Edit: By the way, how do you use the VoIP with the timer still on?
  7. darksider2000

    The DayZ 'A-Team'

    I don't mean to offend you, honest, but your idea is dumb. Your eagerness to kill other survivors will be mirrored in their eagerness to take revenge, and judging by the way you wrote the post, it won't take too many deaths until you disband your "A-Hole-Team" and decide to stay away from every other player for good. You may like the idea of killing and looting everything that moves but I'll tell you how it's going to happen.. You'll assemble a team of 4 people, you will all spawn together, get geared up with a few AKs and start man hunting, but to your disappointment the only people you'll manage to find will be newbie survivors with nothing but a few bandages and some enfield mags.. Not because there are no well geared players but because any player who has managed to loot and keep a high grade piece of equipment will probably be able to outsmart a jihad driving a minivan in the middle of Cherno, and let's face it, you're doing it for the loot.. If you wanted to kill you could go play Counter Strike. In fact I suggest you do, because it's people like you that ruin the whole point of DayZ.. The drama, the tension between two players when they spot each other at a distance, not knowing how each will react.. And you just want to run around, shoot people and steal their hard earned beans. It's unrealistic and it ruins the fun for everyone, and if it doesn't ruin the fun for you then you weren't enjoying the game the way it should be anyway. That's my opinion, so you and your kind... Begone!
  8. Hi! Hello DayZ community! I've been playing DayZ for only 1-2 weeks so far, and I've already acknowledged the issue that everyone's been talking about lately - there's too much PvP. The issue is of course subjective, and what might seem like a deathmatch to one person may seem like realism to another, but this idea recently came to me and I just had to register on the forums and share it, now I don't know if it has been suggested, and I had no idea how to search for it on the forums, so if something like that was suggested or if something else is already being worked on, please do tell.. Whatever you do don't yell!! Just read me out. PvP Is Necessary! PvP is necessary in a game like DayZ, that is obvious, but in times like this, when most people kill on sight, it can get a bit out of control, in my opinion at least. The problem is that from the moment you start the game, your first death will probably be from another survivor, and whether you tried to communicate with him or attempted to murder him doesn't matter, because from that moment on you will not be able to trust any other survivor you meet in your travels, and that's how it all starts. Since the moment you get murdered you will also become a "Kill on sight" person, not because you enjoy it (Although maybe you do) but because you know if you don't kill him, he'll kill you. So I thought of a subtle way to help you figure out, whether or not the survivor down your iron sights is worth approaching. Distrust After the first time you murder an innocent person, you become a bandit, but according to the humanity system you'd lose humanity. If your humanity drops too low, whenever another survivor aims at you, he will hear heartbeats, that's quite simple and elegant. But how can you do the same the other way around? What if there's a player who's been helping others ever since he spawned, there's no way to tell if he can be trusted. Correction - there was no way, but now there might be. The Possible Fix When you meet another survivor on your travels and you both team up instead of inducing an adrenaline filled massacre, you can both give each other an increase to humanity, a "Token of gratitude" if you will, for not stealing each other's beans and Mountain Dew. Then survivors with high humanity will have a different sound playing when aimed down upon, a less intense, more calm loop that will tell the survivor who was about to pull the trigger: "I'm a good guy". Thanks for reading. This is my suggestion to you peeps,it could potentially help.. It's not too realistic.. But then again, what's realistic about 50 players scattered across 225 squared kilometers just looking for their next ALICE Packed survivor to kill. Thanks for taking the time to read this, feel free to comment.