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About Jenzen

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Jenzen

    Looking for SVD Camo

    I whant a ghilli for it .
  2. Jenzen

    Looking for svd camo

    I Trade a svd camo with 3 mag's for ghilli . Send pm
  3. Jenzen

    Looking for SVD Camo

    I got One if you whant with some mag's.
  4. Jenzen

    Day Z Wallpapers

    Wallpaper i made for 1080p Desktop. Hope you like ;)
  5. Jenzen

    FPS hiccup every minute

    Try fraps, gamebooster got One too
  6. Same here.... First couple Minutes it runs Fine, but After walking some Minutes the Frames going Down and you leave it frustrating. Fresh installed win7, Intel Core to Quad , ATI hd6870 and all options on low with all tweaks i found about this Game. I can Easy Run bf3 with all maxed Out like all other games but dayz is stuttering and like deadmandan says, After some Minutes Running its getting Down with the Frames and Not coming back up.
  7. Ich wäre dabei... Steam= jenzen Ps: finde kein User mit dem nick