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About jeff2307

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. jeff2307

    Spawning system

    So I came across a Taviana server (Don't know if it's the server or the map itself that does this) that would let you choose between 3 spawning areas. - A countryside (Not much loot and not much PVP) - A town center (Good loot, allot of PVP) - Random (self explanatory) So if I want to play with friends we could all spawn in for example the countryside and we could find eachother in +- 10 min. This might be a good way to let people find their friends.
  2. jeff2307

    DutchDayzCommunity (NL)

    Kan uw naam nie vinde op Steam, add Killerlulz. Of 2de account: draak39
  3. jeff2307

    [VIDEO] Hatchet VS AKM

    Lol, this just happend again, people are so dumb.
  4. jeff2307

    [VIDEO] Hatchet VS AKM

    <3 Thank you good sir.
  5. jeff2307

    [VIDEO] Hatchet VS AKM

    Yeah, He had one on him and I looted him after I hacked him to death.Also, I keep getting dislikes. :'( Does anyone know why?
  6. jeff2307

    [VIDEO] Hatchet VS AKM

    Survivor with hatchet VS A bandit with an AKM who shall win? Turning up your volume is recommended.
  7. jeff2307

    More enterable buildings!

    There is something called a search button, seriously this has been suggested about 27 times.
  8. You know what I like? That your inv + ALICE pack have around 32 spaces and that your discription of your "items" without me counting the G17 (which is about 6-8 spaces) might explaining this?
  9. jeff2307

    How much would you pay?

    I would like this: $15 copy of the game. $20 copy of the game (+soundtrack if there is one.) $25 A copy of the game, and one for your friend. $30 A copy of the game + 2 "Anyone in Cherno" T-shirts. $40 A copy of the game + 2 "Anyone in Cherno" T-shirts. + DayZ wallpapers. $1000 5 copy's of the game + a meet and greet with Rocket (Dean)
  10. YES, less bandits shooting unarmed people, will add more roleplay and teamwork
  11. Never go to Berinzo. :'( To many zombies that try to eat you... Here's a little video I made about that. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPv153UxRbW
  12. YOU CAN BE BLACK!? (Not trying to be offencive.) I LOVE THIS MOD!
  13. jeff2307

    My Rant: Why I am Done with the Game.

    IT'S A FUCKING ALPHA!!!!! More features will be added, glitches will be fixed etc. This isn't a full mod but an ALPHA! Don't like it? Don't play it. :) <3
  14. I live in GMT+1 :D (Belgium, close to the Netherlands.) I would like to join, add Killerlulzzzz on Steam or PM me on the forums. I'm 15 and I have a mic + Teamspeak, Vent, Skype.