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About Riocon99

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Riocon99

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Forum Name:Riocon99 Game Name: Riocon Age: 20 Gender: Male Mic: Headset Play Style: Casual, playing with people who don't want to die for no reason but realize this isn't a pro MLG game and will have fun (I try to not kill on a site if it's a new player) Humanity (Number or type): 4000 How long have you been playing: 2 months
  2. Age: 20 Country of Residence: US How long you've been playing: 2 Months Favorite Weapon/Role: AK-74 Kobra/ I'm a jack of all trades, I do whatever role that is needed at that time. Steam and Skype: Riocon99 (steam) and Nasota99 (Skype)
  3. Age: 20 steam name: Riocon99 how long have you played: 2 Months Timezone: UTC -8 Pacific Time (US & Canada) equipment you currently have: Coyote Pack (The 30 slot from the NW Airfield), AK-74 Kobra, Frag grenade, Blood, Morhphine, Revolver, General food/water/easy item tools to get.
  4. Riocon99

    Looking for a few more players!

    Count me in too
  5. Riocon99

    Need to find group!!

    I definately wouldn't mind grouping up with you guys, a lot funner then being shot in the face by someone.