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Plutonium (DayZ)

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About Plutonium (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Plutonium (DayZ)

    GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

    Ok, I know the fps is somewhat affected by the server,but... just yesterday I build my first computer GTX 680, core I7 3770k, 8GB ram etc. So today I install arma2 and load up operation arrowhead, I spawn myself in the largest town expecting incredible frame rates, I got 45-70fps. I then used the auto tune software that came with my asus mobo to overclock from 3.5GHZ to 4.2GHZ and I have just repeated the experiment and I was averaging 82 fps with a minimum of 62. What I am getting at is that this game is VERY CPU intensive. Don't know anything about AMD processors let alone yours, but that might be one of the sources to your problem.
  2. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    I'll ad my bit. Have played recently with a huge clan (averages 10 people on-line), On every Australian server we enter we get hacked, and I am talking 5-10 times a day for over a week. We can play on almost empty US server's but they still get hacked and if they don't there is no competition. With all the item duping bugs being exploited (just about everyone has a 50 cal) and the 3d artifacts I have deemed the game un playable. I am calling quits until this game is ironed out a bit more. (and I can buy a computer with decent fps at anything above low :P). Whilst most bugs and glitches arn't a problem (it's only an alpha) the heavily exploitable ones combined with hackers completely unbalances the game and ruin the dynamics of gameplay
  3. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Server Persistence Issues

    Yeah, it would appear to be problems with 1.7.2. I have found the problem only really exists on servers hosted by AusArma, wich I have now chosen to avoid. There is another topic on this subject, here is the link (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29111-progress-not-). On that topic I made a more simplified version of how I solved my problem, hope it helps :)
  4. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Progress NOT saved

    I have had the exact same problem. Seems to be fixed. I didn't reinstall something and then test the game, I did it all at once, Here is what I did. Reinstalled dayz manuallly. (didn't do it properly so I then went and continued using sixupdater) Reinstalled Battle eye Reinstalled the beta patch. deleted player profile created new player profile without changing the skin. (I read on the wiki changing the skin can cause an error). After all this I tried logging in, was at respawn location. Headed into a town and got some firewood, then headed to a hidden location. I was on a ON3 network server (aus/newzealand). Logged out, joined another server, I spawned back at the same location with the firewood, I did this for four servers in total and found that they all worked expect for servers hosted by AusArma (australian), On their servers I would keep my save but when I went to other servers I would get my other save. Whilst this doesnt really help anyone outside of australia and newzealand, It would seem that some servers aren't sending your save files to other servers.
  5. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Server Persistence Issues

    Made another post on a server forum as I eventually found out that they are the main problem.... I do think that creating a new Player Profile helped (it may have had something to do with my character wearing glasses?) Here is a copy (I am far to lazy to rewrite another just for this thread :/) Well I am a fairly new player (joined yesterday) and since your servers had the best ping I thought I would join... I survived about 3 hours! but I found no water and I eventually got shot looting a deer stand. Well then the fun began ... I tried to respawn, ended up respawning a little before my death right next to the dear stand, interesting? oh well I thought, lucky glitch, so I kept on playing. I went to several other deer stands with all their loot missing. died, repsawned and then I respawned in the paddock next to the one the deer stand faced. I ended up repeating the process many more times. Then I quit and went to another server. I was on the beach again, ah, joy . Played for a bit, died. Today I respawned and managed to form a group with 2 other survivors, who I have now added on skype and steam. We were playing on Au2. So I played another few hours, then the server shutdown for an update, deleting all our stuff (I have heard this problem is wide spread). After respawning we caught up with more of this guys group. But after serious server desync we decided to switch servers. They kept their stuff, I lost all of mine and I was back on the beach. Deciding this is an problem with my character I decided to reinstall all of my Dayz, battle eye and beta patch. Also after starting a topic on the dayz forum (http://dayzmod.com/f...istence-issues/) a member suggested I delete my character Id, after further reading on the internet I decided to delete my player profile and create a new one, without any skin changes (I have heard it can cause some glitches). Well I have now tested several other servers and found that my character persists on all of them except AusArma where I still have a different save (I have tested four others). I am really not sure what is going on and any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Here is a link to the thread ()
  6. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Server Persistence Issues

    I did some researching and heard about changing player skins to cause item loss on log out, could be related. I reinstalled all my DayZ and beta patches. I have also deleted my player profile and made a new one, I have made no changes to it (last time I gave my character glasses). Will check if it works or not (it is peak time in my area)
  7. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Server Persistence Issues

    How do I delete the character ID?
  8. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Server Persistence Issues

    Hey guys, I thought I would start a thread for those who are having problems with persistence when changing servers. Havn't been able to find anything on this Every time I change servers I re spawn, on the beach without any of my old gear. I have been to a few different servers and I have been playing with a group. They all manage to keep their gear whilst changing servers whilst I lose mine. Has anybody got any idea's as to what is going on?
  9. Plutonium (DayZ)

    Need to find group!!

    Hey guys, what country are you guys in? (my ping is only good for Australian servers). Would I be able to join? I am new and since everyone is spawning without weapons, food or a canteen I am finding it really hard to survive. For some reason (even when I crawl from 50m using heavy cover) zombies start walking towards me and attacking... this is really odd and causing me a lot of trouble :/