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About Devil4444123

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  1. It depends what the ping is lowered to, for some servers it can be around 100 (so only locals can play, less laggers) and that's fine, so it'd have to be pretty low to make it blacklistable.
  2. Devil4444123

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    I...don't know what you're trying to say, but all I know is that Six Launcher updated for me today (nothing really to do with Arma though), but Arma2 CO updated via steam, nowhere else, only on steam. When I launch the game via Six Launcher it launches it through steam though, so that might make a difference from someone who doesn't launch it through steam.
  3. Devil4444123

    Revolver 4 shot kill?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/45184-arma-update-nerfed-revolver/ Pretty sure that's the main thread to go to, a fair few of us have been having this issue so it can't be tied to server lag. Headshots do still = 1 shot though, as usual.
  4. Devil4444123

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Jesus, the ignorance coming from you makes me want to slap someone. So what if you don't have this issue? As you can see IF YOU LOOK AT THE OTHER POSTS A FAIR FEW ARE HAVING THE ISSUE, SO GET OUT OF THE THREAD IF IT'S NOT HAPPENING TO YOU AND YOU HAVE NOTHING TO ADD EXCEPT "Oh you guys suck lol I'm 2g1bmlgpr0". Yes, I'm mad, there is no need for you to post in this thread about how it isn't affecting you and abusing others for saying it is, just stop posting here and move on to criticize others. Anyway, yes I'm also getting the issue as well as a friend of mine who definitely updated CO via steam. 2 others I play with however don't think they've updated it and can still 1-shot zombies with the revolver and m1911, so I'm 70% sure it's got to do with the update somehow.
  5. Devil4444123

    ArmA 1.62 is out - Do we have to wait?

    It might help looking around before talking. I have never gotten lag on the server I'm on, updated CO, logged in, it takes at least 4 shots every single time to kill a zombie now, this is happening for me and a friend of mine, so yea, I'd say it's an issue.
  6. Devil4444123

    1.62 changelog

    Me and a friend have also been taking anywhere from 3-6 shots to kill a zombie with the m1911, I think they must've nerfed it somehow.
  7. Devil4444123

    Holy **** US 467 Cheats

    Yea, I was in TS with 3 people who were online at the time and they talked about being teleported and dying, a couple that alt+f4'd survived. Also people have been experiencing this all over the servers today, so I can't say I wasn't expecting it.
  8. Devil4444123

    Clearing out zombies - crash site

    If I ever find one then I just make sure that I've got someone covering me, we kill all but 1 or 2 (so that it doesn't count the area as empty and respawn them) and then loot and run.
  9. Devil4444123

    Helicopter Crash Sites Story/Reasons How They Got There

    It's a good idea, but I don't really like the smoke idea. Helicopter crash sites are rare for a reason, because they have some epic loot on them. If you could find them just by looking for black smoke or a crashing chopper then the next thing you know 80% of players will have L85's or Bizons. As for the atmosphere, I guess you could say that (since they spawn on server restarts) the choppers went down before the server started back up, that's why you didn't see that. But to add on to your post; I think that they could finally find a use for radios. If you had one in your inventory you hear an AI voice crackling in and out going "Mayday, mayday, we have been hit and are going down at grid 029----" and it cuts off, so it doesn't pinpoint the exact location of the chopper, but it does say either an X or a Y coordinate so that you get a general idea, but not an exact area. That would also make it a bit more realistic, but again, not as rare as they are right now. Good idea overall, but it might make them too easy to spot.
  10. Devil4444123

    Jacked a car full of pusses in US467 last night

    This is funny, considering we found a GAZ and a Tractor near Devil's Castle not long ago, may have been yours if yours is missing. Also I saw a group flying around in a chopper, they managed to crash it and 2 of the bodies had NVG's so I'm not sure if they were spawned in or not.
  11. Devil4444123

    Banning ALT-F4'ers?

    No, in reality, you are not allowed to without proof of him/her disconnecting to avoid death/combat. Also mythTECH I think there's about a 10+ page thread about the server owners wanting to ban players straight up about this topic, so I'd say you should go have a looksie through that and that'll definitely answer your question.
  12. Devil4444123

    Suggestion - Disable Server Transition

    Increasing the capacity would make bandwidth and servers cost more in general, so I don't see that happening. The 2-3 days per RL day wouldn't work, it ruins the immersion of time which is one of the key factors of this mod. Also I don't get the rest, are you saying that they should limit it so that you can only join servers in your own country or what?
  13. Devil4444123

    Be aware, I'm going to start banning.

    I hope you're joking... You're telling the developer of the mod to shove it up his ass if he doesn't like you disobeying his 1 of only a few rules? IMO, his mod, his rules. As much as I'm for getting rid of players alt+f4ing to get out of dangerous situations I hate seeing server owners thinking they're top shit and can tell regular players to "get fucked" and not listen to the creator of the mod they're using. Just make sure you fraps or use some other recording device before engaging targets.
  14. Devil4444123

    Atlanta 65 hosted by Ninjas in Action

    Not gonna lie, I love your server, it's one of the most lag-free funnest ones I can play on from Aus (since most of the Aus/close to Aus servers are always full), also the first server I've found a vehicle (well, multiple) on. Great server, love it :) (Play on it as Pedro)
  15. Devil4444123

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    This just happened to me with the same issue from Stary, just hit respawn, do the usual exit to player list and rejoin and it should be up and running again where you were before the respawn, worked for me and 2 of my mates.