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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast

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  1. Is there some kind of grouping system or features to party up with other people / friends for chat / coordination?
  2. In your opinion, that is. I personally think dynamic npc battles / events would be awesome. You could kill, help, or just watch then loot after.
  3. Is it normal that everything is grey at night? assuming it's night on th server im on lol
  4. Thanks for all the replies guys, I can't wait to jump into this mod / game with some new friends. If you guys use Skype, hit me up at: acebro23 Or if you have Skype or vent, drop me your info in a private message through here too. Thanks again! Edit: I don't have Steam, I bought / downloaded directly from main supplier and through this site.
  5. I just downloaded / started playing today (July 9th). Loved all the hype / videos / gameplay that I've seen. However, I am still clueless on all the features and buttons, like how to hop over things or activate items, etc. Just looking for a group of friends to hang out with and do some fun killing and all the other exciting activities this mod offers! Reply here if you have a guild, clan, or group of friends I can join up with that wont mind showing me the ropes! Prefer a Chicago / US Central based server if possible, but any US server with low ping will do. Thanks in advance for any replies! -Ace
  6. Count me in if you're still lookin