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Everything posted by jonny4568

  1. jonny4568

    Player seeking squad or clan

    ITs basically what we think a group of surviours would do in a real DayZ, we have leaders supervisor teams of 7 ppl getting supplie sof different types, and then a base camp, and its no dual clanning and basically if you want to no more jump on TS 3 we be happy to tell you more!
  2. jonny4568

    Player seeking squad or clan

    anyone that wants to join us 4 days 15 members, visit http://afuclan.com/Evo-index.html we have a server and a ts 3 sever. Ts3 is on site main page feel free to visit ALL WELCOME
  3. After watching Rockets 'Rezzed Q&A for DayZ' video, i have been inspired to make a clan for DayZ only with a few friends. We will be highly Professional and will offer as much as possible to our members. We are currently making the clan, and will have a name for it with in 24 hours. We feel this clan will be what Rocket was on about, when referring to the new beta website with the stats and clan section, and want to end up being the main clan. I personally have lead and found clans in the past and am jumping at this opportunity. So i thought I'd come and and share my idea and a few thing we have to offer! We are going to be Offering: Free Membership Training Supply's to our members Friendships Team Work Regular Assignments Team speak 3 Server Activity every day And much more! We already have 10 players message us on another site, ready to join. If anyone whats to help, or join PM me or email me: jonathanscottevans@googlemail.com. You can also add me on xfire: nuclearrainbow Just wanted to get your feedback, cause your the players that will hopefully be joining! we should have a starting member base of 13 members, and hope you will want to join us. There will be No dual claning without permission from admins or founders! I look forward to reading both the criticisms and positive reinforcements! Thanks for reading, Jonny
  4. jonny4568

    Inspired By Rezzed Q&A for DayZ Video

    Bump this needmore members 15 after 4 days
  5. jonny4568

    Player seeking squad or clan

    afu-clan.co.cc we are the only clan that only supports DayZ and are growing super fast, 4 days up already 15 members, we play DayZ as a team and in a realisic and realism way, also we are working ona global time zone so all that see this are welcome!
  6. jonny4568

    Why players shoot on sight.

    Reason three is not true, me and 3 friends set up a dayz only clan nearly 3 days ago witht he agreement all members work together, and it works, we got 10 members in 2 days, its a big hit, take a look www.afu-clan.co.cc and read th Code of Conduct on the forums to see how we work. It can be done!
  7. jonny4568

    Inspired By Rezzed Q&A for DayZ Video

    Were up and busy, lots of recruits come see! www.afu-clan.co.cc