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Everything posted by dyboyl

  1. dyboyl

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    I thought this would be considered fan art, so i put it here:
  2. dyboyl

    DayZ Memes

  3. Wait, so is it confirmed the mod works with ARMA2 free? Edit: Edwin, if you have the Free version of ARMA 2, then I think we are having the same exact issue. IMPORTANT EDIT: I got it working! steps: 1.) Take ARMA 2 frees addons folder, copy it into the OA folder. 2.) Then put all the dayz files(in no folders.) into the addons. 3.)your set.
  4. I was asking if you ahd skype because i uninstalled dayz files and reinstalled with the installer you provided but its still not working, so i was gonna say share screens so you could see my problem.
  5. So i have ARMA 2 free, and OA on steam. When i launch it as combined operations, it still says launching OA and i get the CA parts error.
  6. dyboyl

    Introduce yourselves

    Im Dylan, I tend to go by Dyboyl just about everywhere, though. Dont even have Dayz yet, ordered a new graphics card and getting OA just for it :D