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About cmochre

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. cmochre

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    spacecraft to fly to other planets and fight zombie aliens and of course zombie dinosaurs
  2. cmochre

    Too hard since

    is it too much to ask that the zombies and players just let me kill them while i run through Cherno with my SAW spraying rounds like a Bau5
  3. lolol very good troll sir, you have my beans!
  4. cmochre

    DayZ Memes

    wow just wow
  5. i like this game it is fun
  6. cmochre

    Cant find any servers?

    Well, I did do a search, and this is the thread that came up. it was very helpful and i didn't see any others that were. You know if everyone just searched for forum help and no one created any threads this wouldn't be much of a forum would it? i'm sorry you had to deliberately go into another thread just to say that there was a similar one no offense to you personally, I'm just getting sick of people saying "USE THE SEARCH BAR" that thing is fucking useless... EDIT: I THOUGHT THIS WAS AMERICA!! LOLZ
  7. cmochre

    Will My Computer Run Dayz?

    It will run like a slideshow
  8. cmochre

    New players cant get past learning curve

    generic derpy go back to CoD comment herp a derp
  9. cmochre

    Opening crashed helicopters

    Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy.. Chain of command!
  10. cmochre

    Read NOW! Important for survival tips

    you know there's quite a good website if you want DayZ tips, and i believe they are in video form! Check out: www.youtube.com
  11. i actually think will have some IRL impact lol. *breathe* its just a game *breathe*