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Droves and droves of cowards
Diamondwing replied to Hayabusa (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
real simple. give players a 10-15 idle count when the DC. they are out of the game. but their bodies aren't you might not get the loot but you'll sure as hell get the kill. -
Those things you do when you're bricking it...
Diamondwing replied to [email protected]'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I find it hularious how yelling into the mic after sneaking up on someone with an Ax will invoke the largest reaction. I usually creep up on unsuspecting victems sitting on towers and such and get up REAL close like. My usuals are "ARRRHHHHGGGGH DIE YOU MONSTER!" in which case I had someone literally sprint off of the roof they were on and on the way down yelled "FUCK YOU! OH GOD!" as they hit the pavement. My all time favorite wasn't original but still my funniest. I say a guy running away from a horde of zombies with an m1911 out and I began to chase. I kept yelling "I ONLY WANT TO GIVE YOU MELONS!" before he was backed into a corner. Me and my zombie friends chopped him into small little pieces as he just screamed over the com. Made me feel sadistically proud of myself. -
Im currently having the same issue. we were able to play together before 1.7.2 and now that the patch hit it won't let someone connect that's on the same router unfortunately. Trying to fix this but it's rather difficult when you know nothing about routers.
So there I was.... (Survivor AAR and story)
Diamondwing replied to Diamondwing's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
........*selfless bump*...... -
http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30082-so-there-i-was-survivor-aar-and-story/ Posting this link since my stories are rather lengthy. This is my first installment which details my first 20 minutes on a new respawn after I sort of got my footing in the game. More to come.
DayZ story request (Survivor)
Diamondwing replied to JesterEric's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30082-so-there-i-was-survivor-aar-and-story/ here is my story so far. I hope you enjoy and keep updated. Send me a PM if you're looking for any help with writing. -
Macenzie started following Diamondwing
Diamondwing started following Macenzie
So there I was.... (Survivor AAR and story)
Diamondwing posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
So There I was... True stories from the days of DAY-Z Day 0 I just landed on the beach. The smell of salt water filled my lungs as I struggled to get my bearings. I look out into the empty wilderness. A town to the left and a dock. I began to move along the railroad tracks with stealth as to avoid the creeping silhouettes in the morning hours. The air was still warm from the suns prior visit to this forsaken land. As I stopped to get another look around I saw something creeping my way. Instantly I thought to myself "Is...that a zombie" then with it's gurgled scream I knew it had spotted me. I don't think I've ever ran so far in my life. I kept sprinting along the tracks with the zed close behind me. My legs and arms pumped as my breath and hear beat at the same speed of a locomotive. I looked blindly around for some sort of Solace and saw a train station. With a quick jog to the right I managed to lose the beast and quickly I jumped to a prone position. Hours upon hours of crawling (Actually like 10 minutes) I made my way up the tracks to a break in the trees. From here I could see two round orbs in the rising suns rays. "An air base!" I thought so loudly that I swear I yelled those words. To my feet I got and looked about for any more carnivorous blasphemies. My feet moved with that of an ice skaters stride (lol lag). Then what was this? To my right there was a small military outpost. I began to creep around to a spot in the mesh wire break. Enough wire to filet a horse if one were to foolishly jump through. As my feet touched down on the summit of the inner walls I heard gurgling, but not alarmed gurgling. Then to my horror my gaze came to rest upon four waddling entities that drew ever closer. I dropped down to prone and hobbled myself across the cold grass until I came upon a deer stand situated in one of the corners. Ever so carefully I began to ascent. unfortunately to no avail nothing of value was gained besides a filled water bottle and some flairs. I pocketed them just in case and made my way back. After another grueling crawl I hopped back over and made my way to the north where this airbase was. Tip toeing quieter then I ever have I made my way through the foliage until I managed to spot the main strip. Zeds lined the pavement and my heart sank, but I knew that there had to be something of use. I began to run in a crouched position towards a broken down vehicle when I managed to see another slinking movement about 3 meters ahead of me. In a hushed tone I asked this person if they were in fact a person. To my surprise and horror they wrenched around with an ax in a ready to swing strike. I bellowed out quickly that I was unarmed and they confirmed this. Finally someone alive that wasn't trying to kill me. We discussed some tactics for a short time before moving in. He said he wanted to go first and check out the hanger and that I'd check out the air tower. In a one, two, three moment we both sprinted. However, I felt rather parched and decided to take a quick drink from my canteen. Not two moments later after I looked up I heard two loud gunshots ring through the air. CRACK! CRACK! the bullets hit the pavement spattered in my new friends blood as I watched his body slump. My heart began to race and hesitantly I looked to the air tower to see another looming figure and the glint of black metal. I quickly ducked and did something that probably should of killed me.... I looked over to my friends corpse with the ax still laying in his lifeless hands. A rage built at that moment, a rage for vengeance and the anger that one living being could so casually put down another in these situations with out a care in the world. I looked up again and saw the man heading into the tower and quickly I sprinted across the airfield to grab the ax in haste. Before I departed from his body a few words left my lips "Rest well friendly...rest well..." then my feet began to move at a rate Icarus would be proud of. I managed to get to the building with out being spotted but alas the front door had more mesh in front of it. Surely a direct approach would be expected. So I devised a plan; a rather simple one really. I made my way around to the other side and saw a latter. "My only chance!" I thought and began to climb. At the top of the structure my head peered over the side to see none other then the murderer peering towards what I can only presume is the stairwell; I made my move. My body came over the edge and I slumped to my stomach and began to crawl along the corroding paint covered roof to the entrance. As the enemy began to move I heard footsteps and could only presume this was the end. Something was smiling upon me this day, be it Cthulhu, some sort of elder being, or god himself (If he even exists) allowed me to be unseen to this cold blooded killer. A few clunky steps and I heard him moving down into the lower part of the building. I had to move, this was the chance that was given and I am taking it. I got up and began to quickly move into the top of the air tower. With a look over I saw he wasn't even looking up but at the other end of the stairwell downwards expecting me. I praised myself lightly for my smart maneuver and slowly made my way down the stairs. He didn't look over, I could have died. With each step it felt like an hour was passing from my life and I knew one quick intuitive twitch of this monsters eyes would spell the end for me. He had an uzi of some sort out and had an expectant yet determined look in his eyes. Then I crept with in swinging distance and with a great war cry I took my first swing. "AAAAAAAAAAAHRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHGGG DIE YOU (Explicit Deleted) MURDERER!" (Direct quotes from my Microphone to him) I swung once, twice! As the second swing hit he flailed around letting off his automatic weapon. But when my third swing struck true the murderer was dead. My face and hands covered in the blood of vengeance and justice. I noticed though that not all of this blood was his. I was hit, bleeding from my stomach. Quickly I wrapped up my body with bandages and slumped against the corner of the wall. Did I just do the right thing? My vision was rather blurry and in a huff my body calmed down. I leaned to the side and expelled what ever it was I had eaten before I arrived. My legs and arms were shaking to the point where the ax tumbled to the floor. Surely someone was coming to claim me as well. I looked to the body as reality snapped back to me like a rubber band to ones bare flesh. With quick haste I looted an AKM, A PDW and some much needed medical supplies. With more swiftness I made my way to the ladder and made my way down. My friend avenged and a bandit dead I treked into the woods hoping no one was following.... (I plan to keep updating this. Leave some criticism and such as it's always welcome. Please no posts about the length, it's ment to be a story about my depictions in the world of Day-z and for the enjoyment of the forum and it's community. Thank you!) -
It says you have 11 slots open, however the application section has not been unlocked so I'll post here if that is alright. Legend: Green Questions = DayZ Related Nickname: Parad0x Time Zone: GMT +5 EST Steam Name: parad0x606 Are You The Age Of 18 Or Over?: Sure am. Do You Own A Working Microphone? (For Mumble): Two of them. How Active Are You On Games?: 30 hours a week between college DayZ Name:Diamondwing (willing to change) Best DayZ Roll (e.g. Sniping, Support, Scouting): I know how to use a map and read terrain lines as well as spot. I can get a group from one end of the map to the other while avoiding major issues. As far as combat goes I prefer to snipe or spot for someone, however I am also effective at mid-range fire fights. How would you define your skill/experience in DayZ and ArmA2?: Moderately newer. I have a lot to learn and I am willing to learn. Why Do You Deserve This Membership?: I feel as if my quick learning curve can put me into a position where I can work effectively with a coordinated team. My abilities flourish when in the possession of people who won't take me for granite or shoot me on sight. I have a lot to offer in the ways of FPS skills and general survival knowledge. Also I can crack a hell of a joke or two in down time. How Many Players Have You Killed Roughly? Why?: I'd say at least 10 or so in my 3 days of playing. Mostly due to the fact that I've been the victem of banditry and now it's time to fight back. Murdered my first guy with a hatchet and took his akm. The rest were for survival purposes and recon interuptions. I don't have any hard feelings against anyone. But it's survive or die and I like the earlier choice. Would You Eliminate Other Players Who Are Not In Our Clan? If So, Why?: Absolutely, If I'm running low on food or water, or my friend needs a blood pack and I see a guy raiding the hospital? You can bet my bullet is going to be in his head the first shot I can take that wouldn't compromise my position or safety. A Link To Your Most Impressive Screenshot: (none so far unfortunately. I will attempt to take one when I am able.)
Has to be one of the funniest moments...
Diamondwing replied to Sethen's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
this has happened to me *okay.jpg* -
This is the problem currently. There is this high "threat" of teaming up with no actual reward. So people just murder each other for no reason. I actually help players and I've yet to be shot in the back for doing so. Don't kill unarmed people. let them have a shot at doing something. If you don't like a fair fight and just camp buildings to laugh at noobs then perhaps you should be playing counterstrike?
City camping for no reason other than to kill other players is what is ruining this game. But as you said if you kill to loot, that is what being a bandit means. Personally, I think they should make loot drop go down per players killed for bandits so they have to rely on killing other players more so instead of just camping buildings in the middle of Cherno/elektro like fucktards. Good shots but otherwise annoying on the receiving end. This is what is ruining the game.
The one and only Anti-PVP/PvP Discussion thread! Whine/discuss here!
Diamondwing replied to Legacy (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Can we just get more incentive to group up instead of blowing each other away? Perhaps a % loot system which will increase rarer drops if you are in the vacinity of people and a % drop for killing other players. This would make it a more extremist nature. You can either group up and survive and have the oppertunity at better/more loot. Or be a dick and kill other players, and while forgoeing normal loot you get to loot others of their precious things. It would make being a bandit...a bandit and make being a survivor a survivor. Alls we have now are idiots camping on roofs shooting players for the lulz. and it is honestly making this game more frusterating then it is enjoyable.