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Everything posted by matty19908

  1. if you dont play in a group you should be stealthy and like phlOgistOn said you are more likely to spot them first before they even know you are there and therefor you have the option of totally bypassing said group.. To be quite honest playing solo is more than likely going to be your best bet at staying alive. i tend to die the most when with a group as we get spotted more.
  2. same thing happened to me but in the ship up at berezino.. i just kept vaulting at walls and stuff and eventually managed to clip back out
  3. Funny thing is, people have combat logged on me even when ive been friendly, offered a guy food and water and he alt+f4ed, tried to get two hatchet guys to drop there weapons (i was on my own, cant risk one of them hitting me from behind).. but they didnt drop them and instead one decided to charge at me so i dropped him.. gave him plenty of warnings, whilst talking to the second guy telling him if he doesnt want to have the same fate drop the weapon and dont log out... then he vanished. PVP and bandits are a BIG part of what makes DayZ what it is and although i hate KoS people.. they are still a much needed aspect to the game.. But the lesson people need to learn is to just co-operate.. i have the gun, not you. - we actually handcuffed a guy who was completely unarmed.. gave him a quiz, and because he responded nicely we gave him a loaded pistol and open food and water.. You are only ruining your own gaming experience by running away and dying or logging.
  4. matty19908

    Goofing around down South with squad (The dumb moments)

    The noise my head made when getting shot is hilarious, metal head My view on the train part (includes a sighting of one of the guys who shot us)
  5. matty19908

    Quick tip for anyone logging into any server

    The same school you are telling people to go to so you can shoot them... i think ill pass ;)
  6. matty19908

    Quick tip for anyone logging into any server

    Im currently unarmed :(.. turns out running down the train tracks with 3 friends pretending to be a train doesnt end well
  7. matty19908

    Quick tip for anyone logging into any server

    If you spot a naked black man with white arms running around at lightning speed like usain bolt... its just me trying to track you down ;D
  8. matty19908

    [Video] Worst Bandits Ever!

    nice one man, as if 5 of them couldnt even kill you.. that shit was hilarious, bravo sir!
  9. matty19908

    #3 Nobody Listens

    Only a short video but better than uploading nothing at all.. Hope you enjoy.
  10. matty19908

    #3 Nobody Listens

    im not a bandit, im merely a survivor, i act according to my situation and needs.. those axe guys didnt respond to simple instructions and the guys at the hospital left me no other option as they fired first. @andarne - with after effects and abit of practice, but its fairly easy to do
  11. matty19908

    #3 Nobody Listens

    i am indeed!
  12. matty19908

    #2 Panic At Pavlovo

    Second video of my lone survivals, got more coming in the future.
  13. matty19908

    #2 Panic At Pavlovo

    Maybe, they was definitely shooting at something after they'd shot at me, just wish id have spotted them sooner so i could have returned the gesture ha
  14. matty19908

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Managed to somehow balance a can of beans on my finger.. shortly after this shot was taken a clan of 3 came past fully geared, i showed them my magic balancing act and they laughed there heads off and wished us well on our travels and we parted ways both laughing.
  15. matty19908

    Hand-cuffing and force feeding someone disinfectant

    im the other guy in the video and we actually asked that guy if he wanted handcuffing and was having fun, he also wanted to be shot.. we havent handcuffed anyone since then and if we ever do it will be merely to take loot and then let them free
  16. matty19908

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Funny thing is i was in a server 2 days back and at balota there was loads of piles of loot, chainsaw was there, aswell as an sks. i didnt bother with the sks as i had an m4 (surprise surprise ha).. the chainsaw wouldnt turn on
  17. Hey guys got a second video up from when i was Live Streaming last night.. just when we was getting the feeling that we wouldnt find any other survivors this happened. I dont usually shoot on sight but this guy was fully armed and was way too close to my buddy, i didnt want him to get harmed and my instincts just kicked in. We only hunted the second guy because he had fired at us after the first guy combat logged, But the outcome was great because we got a saline bag IV out of it which was great because my friend was low on blood.
  18. matty19908

    Close Encounter at Pavlovo Military Base

    Where abouts haha?. we force fed a guy disinfectant at balota airstrip then shot him (he did ask us to do it though mind you)
  19. matty19908

    First successfull robbery

    Been robbing people rather than killing them on sight and its so much fun, i just love how this guy kept misunderstanding what i wanted from him ha
  20. matty19908

    First successfull robbery

    Thanks guys :), yeah my mic is abit broken atm (snapped part of it and a wire is coming out of it haha).. so thats why some parts seem like im mumbling, its because it occasionally makes the sound go down
  21. matty19908

    Messing with people. Can turn ugly

    That was awesome, good job guys!
  22. matty19908

    First successfull robbery

    Haha thanks but ive already sorted it now :P
  23. matty19908

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    The loot is fine id say, the amount of loot is pretty much perfect, they just need to make it so loot spawns back in every now and again, rather than at server reset. But seriously right now its pretty easy to get food/drink.. just head more north into towns that people havent bothered running too, you find plenty of food.. then get a screwdriver/bayonet/can opener and you are set for food. As for drink, stock up on empty bottles then go find a water pump and fill them up. they last for ages.