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Everything posted by Mumaz

  1. Mumaz

    So this is how you stop server hoppers/farmers

    Maybe a feature allowing 1 server switch for hour or day. Or forcing new location spawn when relogging on different servers. I really think all those timers can affect server performance, if so... i would suggest an off game feature. .. one of those things the guy access his account on the browser and activate something on his account so he can change servers... something like that.
  2. You can see how people complain about kos its they own fault. I spent long time playing on full servers going up north and back again to balota to only have encounters when arriving at balota.looks like people just want the easy stuff without having to fight for it. As for the topic poll i really enjoyed playing that dayz origins mod... People would really teamup to clear sector b and build bases/trade blueprints and etc... Wish the SA could implement some stuff like that. Maybe the nwairport could have like 500 zeds and force a group effort to successfully loot some places that has best rewards :) thats the think i wish the most of the game. Along with anti combat log and server hoping.
  3. Mumaz

    Becoming the very thing I hated

    there is no point in disconnecting... he will just lose his gear to a bug or something like it and miss the emotion of a duel. yesterday i was killed in the nw airport after a gunfight where i killed 2 and died to the third simply cause i ran out of ANY bullets. he simply jump on me like super mario and shot me twice with a shotgun. no way i would disconnect and miss the action(i even frapped this one) way better than keep disconnecting and die someday to a bug or a hacker.
  4. same thing happening to me... dont know if its particular servers problem... or if its happenning in all servers.
  5. Mumaz

    how do i update to

    im getting teleported too. happen 2 times already... teleported to cherno bay first time when i updated and second time i dont know why. same thing to a friend of mine... first on cherno bay but second time on kamenka. im using carmo suit and he got the bandit skin... but he told me he dont have any murders since he died recently.(his old char had 5 murders)
  6. Mumaz

    Pending Update: Build

    group respawn plzzz rocket :( or option to choose some respawn points(dont need to be the "best" ones)
  7. Mumaz

    Pending Update: Build

    i know that... but maybe if they drop weapons instead of we find it on barracks all the time could be more challenging.people would have to teamup and go to airport and kill a horde of zombies to get the weapons/ammo. not just reach the barracks and keep hoping servers. something like that. edit to add that the drop chance of weapons would be minimal. anyway the way the game is right now its almost like we are only hunting players hehe :)
  8. Mumaz

    Pending Update: Build

    i will live until the day that military zombies will drop weapons/ammo instead of watching servers hoppers take all the good loot :) perhaps this day could come on the same day the ammo refill relog bug will be fixed. :) cheers love dayz
  9. Mumaz

    Pending Update: Build

    sometimes this kind of midia helps on the popularity of the game haha(not that i think dayz needs any more popularity, but those kind of repercussions is what make history)
  10. i completely agree... despite ive been playing shooting everyone just like you told. hehe most of the times to get their gear... but also cause i know that if i dont shoot, they will shoot anyway. best game indeed...
  11. Mumaz

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    indeed the simple solution wold be to implement disconnection timing on certains situations: #1 players aggroed by zeds #2 players who have shot in the last minutes #3 players who have taken a shot in the last minutes #4 etc this maybe dont solve the quiters on sight but will surely reduce disconnections drastically
  12. Mumaz

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    i will surely not complain if i lost my gear to a update where they solve some glitches like disconnect to stay alive or not being able to login inside a building to get the people from behind... as zombies walking/hiting through walls.