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Everything posted by opticalshadow

  1. opticalshadow

    Did I made the right decision ?

    im fairly sure the fal has better dmg, but it really comes down to personal preference. i mean, hell, until its nerf the einfield was one of the most dmging guns in the game, and it was found in barns.
  2. opticalshadow

    The Payoff - Best Experience in DayZ

    found a bicycle, best day of my life.
  3. opticalshadow

    I fell 4 metres and died

    ehh, broke leg maybe, but its a survivable fall with no real injury if you know how to land. besides some people live from falling from airplanes... in anycase yeah, the fall mechanics are kinda...weird. i persoanlly avoid doors and any form of elevation unless i need it.
  4. opticalshadow

    let me put hatchet in secondary weapon slot.

    pistols are far from useless...
  5. opticalshadow

    What is there to do..?

    well you need a partner or those blood bags are pointless. and liek any sandbox game, you have to set your own goals. try gettign a better gun, try getting a car, try getting down and funky with a zed.
  6. opticalshadow

    Kickstart DayZ!

    rocket has stated he was fond of kickstarter for a few reasons. the system he said he will most likly go with is the same one minecraft did. the game will be avalible for a low price to get money during its earliest phase. as teh game is developed the price raises until retail. in the thread with all of rockets posts, he goes in depth about sevral payment options and why hes not using them.
  7. opticalshadow

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    this game, isnt advertised at all. and what the developer calls this game is a survival simulation. it happens to have infected. dont put words in the dev;s mouth.
  8. opticalshadow

    Zeds...zombies...infected ooh my.

    we call them acording to what they are. upright walkign zombies are walkers hopping zombies are hoppers crawling zombies are crawlers. seems effective for my group.
  9. opticalshadow

    Will ArmA 2 Go On Sale Again?

    near christmas it will prolly go on sale again.
  10. opticalshadow

    Bandit/Backstabber hate rant

    join a group and trust them.
  11. opticalshadow

    Law to Lawless Lands

    what you need to do, is pick out a sever and make it your home. band together, try to make the majority of the server pop your members, take a town and declare it safe area, set up a camp.
  12. opticalshadow

    Charity with a grim ending

    if your really going to turn into a high profile bandit, after somethign happend you exspected to happen, something you clearly knew would eventually happen, then you were always a bandit looking for the exscuse.
  13. opticalshadow

    I feel horrible.

    what i would have done, told him to crawl to a bush and hide, get the car then you can get him in it and to a hospital.
  14. opticalshadow

    Noob in the North

    what i did, is found an area of the map players dont seem to come by much, close to a town that has anything i need, and i raid it, set missions and embark, return to my safe zone. over time ive got quite the group sized up (around 6-8 of us now) all log in the same area, i suggest you adopt somethign similure. find an area, get to know it well, scout it and study it for a day, learn its traffic, its safer points. then set goals, need medical supplies find a hospital, learn that area, get a in and out path set.
  15. spent about an hour at the airfield the other night. was dark, was with two buddies, one logged out though in the airfield...hes a goner. so me and my other friend are in there, i like to play very stealthy, a big part of the game for me is getting in and out of high traffic areas with no z alerts or player alerts. i have been within meters of playuers before, could have killed them. i just watch them go by, i dont need to kill them, the fact they dont know im there, i already won. so we were there for an hour, around 30 diffrent players server hopped in and out around us, prone, we crawled down field cover to cover, scanning the trees, the buildings finally finding a DMR in the firestation, and then a mp5sd above it, a worthwhile trip. its just amazing to me, how many players log at the sight of night, or how easy it is to make them log, when they server hop into the airfield, and you taunt them on direct chat. once they realize their not alone they bolt.
  16. opticalshadow

    Hackers are killing this game..

    rocekt has stated multiple times that you cannot make a server private, it violates the development cycle. servers who lock themselves will be blacklisted.
  17. opticalshadow

    A tense standoff at US195.

    well, she exited, and got killed for it, therefore she left to early :P
  18. opticalshadow

    A Story of Selflessness and Selfishness

    my beans, are in your hands now friend, that was a great tale!
  19. opticalshadow

    A tense standoff at US195.

    just goes to show, with proper tactics you can preveil, the chick in the factory came out a bit to early i think, but man she tore you guys up. good read.
  20. opticalshadow

    Why cant I shoot these windows?

    tin can, one will do, makes almost no noise, and they are avalible at your nearest loot pile.
  21. opticalshadow

    Lee Enfield or Winchester

    einsfield. i generally have very few zombie encounters, i like to sneak, and when i do, i use a 1911 anyways (or revolver, both common) when pvp comes my way, i can drop a person in one or two einfield shots, its great for long distence. sound isnt that big a deal honestly.
  22. was loot NWAF the other night with a friend, in the span of an hour (the time i was there) 30 diffrent players serverhopped though the NWAF, most spawned into either the firestation or control tower. some dc'd as soon as they saw it was night, some looted the building. the few that were near us logged when they found out they wernt alone. managed to get a dmr and silenced mp5, but it was nerve racking to have so many people just appear and disappear.
  23. opticalshadow

    Nerfin' dat loot

    went to stary sober last night after server restart, found 6 ak 74 clips, and 2 smoke grenades.
  24. skins were removed for two reasons 1) they didnt achomplish anything, it didnt change player reaction or motives 2) it stood in the way of development, rocket wants lootable clothing, forced skins breaks this.
  25. i just dont think people understand how rare works. even if an as50 spawned once every 100k loot piles, it could still spawn thousands a times in one day, in the last interview rocket said they passed 700k players, with 150k avg players at any one time, so you figured with 150k players in the game, even rare items will be found, and items dont generally just get lost, importent ones stay in circulation. once that as50 is looted, it will likely be forever circulating between players. rareity is a dimishing return, unless you hard cap it like vehicles (which i would never see happening) there is no way to keep an item rare forever. eventually they will be more and more common.