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Everything posted by CreatureJoe

  1. CreatureJoe

    One Million Survivors cartoon tribute

    Amazing! are you a professional animator?
  2. CreatureJoe

    Being spawned in an arena

    Nothing ticks hackers off like ignoring them ;)
  3. CreatureJoe

    Done with Dayz

    Go on low populated servers, if you think that the hacking is that bad.
  4. CreatureJoe

    CA 10 Clan CKS hackers.

    Download fraps so you can catch them in the act next time ;) http://www.fraps.com/
  5. CreatureJoe

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Best way to avoid hackers. Go on low populated servers. Hackers never go on those.
  6. If I even suspect hackers on the server I'm playing on I leave right away. Thats the best way to not get yourself killed by hackers :)
  7. CreatureJoe

    Trading anything for a radio

    I've never seen a radio before D:
  8. CreatureJoe

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    Yeah, Don't pirate your OS. That's the best way to get a virus.
  9. CreatureJoe

    Building A Gaming Pc. Budget.

    I'm using this video card, It's great for the price and it runs everything on max on my PC. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102967
  10. CreatureJoe

    Electro Super Market Massacre **Watch**

    Lol, I like how you taughted them after you killed them XD
  11. CreatureJoe

    Any Advice?

    If sneaking isn't you thing, I suggest you just sprint through the city, and lose all of the zombies in a building.
  12. CreatureJoe

    So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

    Not THAT many people have quit DayZ...
  13. CreatureJoe

    So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

    Still playing, never been a bandit :D
  14. CreatureJoe

    Unofficial servers 'hack proof'

    I just go on low populated servers to avoid hackers...
  15. CreatureJoe

    Beer Helmets

    and also a bean hat would be cool too. ;)
  16. CreatureJoe

    Graphic Issue

    I have this issue also. Sometimes if you lower your setting to lowest then back to high that sometimes fixes it.
  17. Bad idea, I play with a group of mature non-hackers. and we are all below 18 >.> You were trolling when you wrote this post right?
  18. What key do i press for this to happen to me?
  19. CreatureJoe

    Appropriate Zed Speed?

    I agree, I dont like it when Zeds can follow a heli. 0.o
  20. CreatureJoe

    [VIDEO] How to See At Night

    If it's still in video options, I wouldn't call it an exploit. Besides, this is nothing compared to night googlies.
  21. CreatureJoe

    How to properly ride a bicycle

    Now I want a bike :(
  22. CreatureJoe

    Looking for A Group!

    If your still looking for players I would like to join. Skype: KnappBoyZ East coast Age: 14
  23. CreatureJoe

    Scouting for mature players

    Skype: KnappBoyZ East coast Age: 14
  24. CreatureJoe

    Why this mod is failing

    I read your post and here are my thoughts. I just started playing this mod yesterday, I'm a noob. Yes I have been killed by a bandit, but so what? When the world ends people WILL go crazy and shoot people on sight. I've also met my fair share of friendly people.
  25. CreatureJoe

    Your saddest moment in Dayz

    My saddest moment was probably when I spawned for the first time and I walked up to a guy, But he wasn't a guy, He was a zombie.