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About CreatureJoe

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. CreatureJoe

    Gaming laptop question

    Is it a duel core i7?
  2. CreatureJoe

    DayZ artifacts glitch fix! [Temporarily]

    Thanks for the video, It worked :D
  3. CreatureJoe

    looking for a group to play with

    Add me on skype if you want to meet up. I'm 14 also btw. Skype: KnappBoyZ
  4. CreatureJoe

    Streamer using obvious hacks, video evidence

    At 33:30 he says hes using "admin powers" O.o
  5. CreatureJoe

    Streamer using obvious hacks, video evidence

    Whoa, I can't believe he would stream himself hacking. This is why 9 year olds shouldn't play DayZ.
  6. CreatureJoe

    Why i stopped beeing nice to people...

    Think of it this way, A bandit skin means he did the dirty work himself. A hero skin means he got his buddy to kill for him. What I'm trying to say is, treat all skins like a civilian skin :)
  7. CreatureJoe

    What is the story of... That Mountain?...

    You will survive your trip to that mountain, as long as you don't mention its name...
  8. CreatureJoe

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    But all jokes aside, You can use this "cheat" map to find vehicle spawn areas: http://dayzdb.com/map EDIT, I've been ninja'd :(
  9. CreatureJoe

    Trading, anything, for two wheels!:)

    I've heard that if you go into a shed, two tires will spawn sometimes ;P
  10. CreatureJoe


    I don't have the heart to eat a dog. I would probably end up naming my dog or something.
  11. CreatureJoe

    looking for 2-3 ppl 2 play with...

    Hi, I've also been playing for about two weeks and I'm fourteen! Here's my skype if you want to play KnappBoyz
  12. Hi, I've been playing dayZ for about 2 weeks now and I want to meet up with some people, Preferably around my own age (14). Skype: KnappBoyz I also have a TS but i prefer not to use it.
  13. CreatureJoe

    Hackers Caught on Film

    I must be lucky to have never encountered a hacker so far.
  14. CreatureJoe

    [VIDEO] Grand Theft Chopper

    Nice grand theft chopper. It really sucks that they restarted on you :( Can you report them or something?
  15. CreatureJoe

    Ghillie man haunts player in DayZ

    Lol one of the best dayz videos I've seen in a while.