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Everything posted by dragon117op

  1. dragon117op

    Military weapons are useless

    I prefer to use a... Hatchet :3
  2. I think this is ment to happen? as Rocket stated in the 1.5.8 patch changelog "* [NEW] Zombie's will investigate player deaths" :3
  3. Date/Time: 7:00am-7:15am GMT+11, 24-5-12 What happened:I was at Balota airfield looking for loot. I was low on blood and didnt think it was worth living :3. So i got a zed to follow me up the air traffic control tower to kill me. so i lay there on the ground dieing. The debug menu said i had 38 zed kills, 18 headshots and 1 murder. I had only killed around 5-10 zeds and I have never killed anyone on the game. ever. I respawend to find that i was a bandit with, 57 zed kills, 28 headshots and 2 murders. on the ground next to me was my character swimming in the floor. spawing just below where i died i walked up the stairs to make sure that i was actually dead. I was. I proceded to use the respawn button and i died again... after respawing i was still swimming in the floor, i was low on blood (even after respawning) and there were now two bodies. Where you were: Balota Airfield, Air traffic control tower. What you were doing: Looking for loot, trying to kill myself. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: ANZ1 *Your system specs: *Timeline of events before/after error: I was on NZ1 when it was glitched and had no loot or zeds so i left and joined ANZ1. I was attacked by a zed that had spawned next to me and i was really low on blood. It appeared that my humanity had gone down as before i played this morning the icon had a great big smile like this ^-^ but when i looked it looked more like this >-<. I found an AKS Kobra and then went to the airfield where i was attacked by another zed. low on blood, vision blurred i got a zed to follow me up the tower control tower to kill me. Here are some screen shots: [attachment=371] [attachment=372] [attachment=373] [attachment=374] Sorry for the blurry vision... I was low on blood after respawning :(
  4. Date/Time: 7:00am-7:15am GMT+11, 24-5-12 What happened: I was at Balota airfield when i was down on blood. so i got a zed to follow me up the control tower and kill me. So i lay there on the ground, it hitting me so i die. I had about 5-10 zed kills and 2 headshots but it said i had 38 zed kills and 18 headshots. i then respawned down the stairs as a bandit to find that my character was swimming in the floor next to me. I walked up stairs to make sure i was dead and my character was lying on the ground dead. i then hit the respawn button and respawned right near the airfield but my zed kills had gone from 38-57 and also i hadn't killed anyone. ever. but it is saying that i have 2 murders. I found my body again and i was still swimming in the floor :( Where you were: Balota Airfield, Traffic control tower. What you were doing: Looking for loot, trying to kill myself *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: ANZ1 *Your system specs: *Timeline of events before/after error: I was on NZ2 at Balota Medical tents when the server had glitched and there were no zombies or loot. I then proceded to join ANZ1 and a zed fell off a deerstand at the med tents and almost killed me. I then got an Ak-74u (or whatever it is) with a Kobra. I walked up to the airfield only to be hit by another zed so i led one up to the air traffic control tower and got it to kill me. I will post pictures once i know how to get them off steam :)
  5. dragon117op

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Er... is it just me or are the have the download links not updated the DayZ_weapons_v1.1.1?I have checked all the links and none of them have the new DayZ_weapons_v.1.1.2 :( Please halp :3
  6. dragon117op

    Chernarus Free Zone Established[Norway 1]

    Good luck with that Crow XD