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Everything posted by PersonalJ

  1. PersonalJ

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    The server files that were released were initially broken.
  2. It is actually industry standard practice for game service providers to have one click installs of map packs and server plugins. These are generally advertised features as well.
  3. Modders are free to make whatever they please, our implementations of new feature does nothing to stifle the works of others.
  4. Our serverside files have a large amount of proprietary code, if you need to full control over maps such as this I would advise you to make it yourself.
  5. This seems to be the only gaming community that cares where the maps themselves are coming from. As far as the map files, we do not sell the maps themselves. We sell servers with proprietary code that allow you to play certain maps. This is akin to a map installation pack for CS:S or TF2 which you can find on FPSbanana. Anyone else is free to take map files, add the needed code, and have fully working maps of their choosing. If you have the know how you are able to do this yourself for any map of your choosing.
  6. PersonalJ

    "vilayer.com" Them as a hoster.

    The control panel migration took about 5 minutes today, I find that completely acceptable as it is allowing significant database improvements. The teamspeak is not formal support and isn't designed for AUS/NZ users in mind due to timezones.
  7. The private server database is still shared, No one has reported tent problems.
  8. Passwording the servers and having those communicate to a separate database was implemented early on the 15th as part of the DayZ Package. You can install the private versions via the mod manager.
  9. PersonalJ

    Buying a server?

    You should buy a package server, they allow you to set the number of vehicles which spawn. As far as normal DayZ, yes, the instance id ranges being used have vehicles.
  10. PersonalJ

    Need a Server Host

    You don't get a full refund when you had the server for half a month.You get a pro-rated one. There is no 30 day money back guarantee for game servers. Lee is going to get back to you in regards to that.
  11. Passwording these servers and having them use a separate database is planned and nearly ready to be rolled out.
  12. PersonalJ

    Need a Server Host

    You have no server because you had us reinstall it, additionally you wanted access to proprietary .sqf files. Check your panel, it is back.
  13. That means it is installing, do not interact with the panel until the provisioning email is sent.
  14. The only issue is the New York colocation provider is slow to deploy the hardware we ordered.
  15. There are no tickets that have been open for 8 hours with no reply other than escalated tickets.
  16. Most of those issues were resolved in some of the newer patches, 1.6.1 has just released and Takistan is now playable. You can download the client files from DayZ Commander.
  17. I setup additional servers in Seattle the other day. I'm assuming this has long been dealth with, otherwise please open a ticket. Also, get ready for Takistan everyone!
  18. PersonalJ

    What is the point of a private server?

    We don't offer private servers, the databases are shared so you can not password them. We will be allowing the ability to make the package servers private and have them use a separate database in the near future however.
  19. PersonalJ

    Good Australian Hosts?

    We appreciate the recommendation, however we are not hosting any additional DayZ servers in Australia.
  20. The DayZ Package cannot simply update to .6 on the package servers as the database code is all different, we will have this updated once the back end is ready for the new version.
  21. It didn't take 7 and a half hours for me to roll it out, the roll out took closer to 30 minutes due to Australia once the packages were verified to be functional. I was out when Matt Lightfoot sent the email. I hope you're doing well Rich Scott! How is defcon going after hitting the frontpage of reddit? Are you going to send criminals to my home? I never knew you worked for tcadmin, we will have to ask Luis about that next time we speak with him.