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Everything posted by skunk.five@gmail.com

  1. skunk.five@gmail.com

    DayZ Developer Blog 3rd August 2013

    "And doesn't it make you feel bayonetter?" huh? who's with me? NIN? Anyone? Damn it. I want to see the bayonet in action. Scratch that. I'm ready to put the bayonet into action.
  2. skunk.five@gmail.com

    It's too late For Dayz.

    Being original doesn't guarantee being best. I'm a DayZ loyalist, but as each day I'm made to wait passes, I fear for its demise. It seems each day I'm presented with alternatives, and most of those are the plethora of mods of DayZ. If you wait long enough, other people will capitalize on your success. Please open the door to the SA. There are so many waiting to come inside. Giggidy.
  3. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Standalone Release Predictions

    Meh, I can wait. The mod's updates have been pretty good IMO, so I'm keeping busy, watching and re-watching the E3 videos, refreshing the forums and twitter feeds every few seconds. It's a hobby.
  4. skunk.five@gmail.com

    someone give me a medal

    I wouldn't take it, even to just drop it later. I was streaming and had a hacker fill my backpack with a DMR, NVGs, etc. I dropped it immediately but the DayZ-Origins guys still banned me. Die with a clean conscience. Oh, and f**k you Origins guys. Seriously, f**k you.
  5. skunk.five@gmail.com

    US303 You will be missed!

    I played on US303 last summer, it's where I met my current clan. I played on it as recently as last week. Thanks for giving us a good server to run on!
  6. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Does DayZ Commander wreck your internet too?

    I have the same problem, and its definitely the router's connection table as described. I have to turn mine down to 3 connections to avoid a three minute timeout while my router unscrews itself, and refreshing 6k servers takes a while. However, I know what the problem is, how to work around it, and the benefits of Commander outweigh the problem. Nuff said.
  7. skunk.five@gmail.com

    New gear in 1.7.6

    He said 20, not 200. Clearly not talking about your house. :P
  8. skunk.five@gmail.com

    No Tents Saving

    I tried the .pbo generator that was linked, but it seems to fail. Users can connect, but fail to start the mission. Reverting to the original .pbo resolves this, but we're still left with the tent issue.
  9. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    Fears dismissed, and concern allayed. Thank you sir.
  10. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.3 (community edition)

    Just wondering if the combat logging is tested against server restarts/shutdowns. I understand it won't kill you *yet* with this update, but I'd hate to see an unannounced restart harm players duking it out. Otherwise - thanks for making me eat my words that there would be no updates until the standalone. They are salty, and taste bitter in retrospect. :)
  11. skunk.five@gmail.com

    SurvivorGameZ. Winners: Puddn & b00a

    Double kudos to Puddn -- not only did he out-live the others, but he also did it while battling issues with his stream going down every 5 minutes or so.
  12. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Over 230 hackers got banned on my server

    On our server we would warn players entering w/ a TWS. We didn't ban them, we'd just kick them. When they'd try to rejoin, we'd let them spend time on the loading screen and kick them a minute later. After wasting as much of their time as we could extract, they'd either drop the weapon and reconnect without it, or they'd find another server to masturbate on. It was fun.
  13. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Where did you find your first mountain dew?

    My first MD was just after we finally got the UH-1 up and flying. We hit two or three camps, and settled down to hit a fourth, when I found one inside a tent. I immediately drank it. As I ran back to the chopper to spin up the rotors and fly us away, shots open up and we were all killed, losing the helo. To this day my friends blame me for bringing us bad luck... Since then, I don't drink Mountain Dew anymore. :)
  14. Laser designator? WTF?
  15. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Hackers/dupers ban me for having hacked weapons

    Hypocrisy, irony, abuse of power... these things are not new. Next time you get on, revisit the camp, take all the hacked gear and bury them in a zed corpse. Help the admin out by cleaning up the tainted gear.
  16. skunk.five@gmail.com

    So we can't ban Hoarders?

    It's plain to see that they're planning to hold a demolition derby for Christmas. Way to spoil the surprise for everyone.
  17. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Pending Update: Build

    Glad to hear that this interim step is on the way. Can't wait to see it getting pushed out to the servers. This should bring back some of the players who had walked away...
  18. Hopes are like flag-poles. The more time you spend getting them up, the greater your disappointment when they come down. If the announcement doesn't come from Rocket, then it's heresy (or hearsay). Even if you hear it from Rocket, add a few weeks to the lead time. Either way, patience is a virtue.
  19. skunk.five@gmail.com

    LF Low/Medium Pop Server that saves tents alright.

    Tent-saving doesn't seem to be related to specific servers. It seems like it's a larger issue with You may need to wait for the next update.
  20. skunk.five@gmail.com

    5 Thousand Peak players on Arma2 today in Steam

    ...and the peak number for a day was never 1 million.
  21. skunk.five@gmail.com

    DayZ Gameplay lately...

    From Rocket's recent interview, I believe he states just what you suggest. They're building a "Chenarus+" map with more accessible buildings. http://t.co/jktQoRG5
  22. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Dev or Rocket, can you confirm

    On our server, we don't kick/ban for players possessing hacked-in items (not talking about dupes). However, we let them know that we're watching them, and that players in possession of such non-DayZ weapons only invite suspicion upon themselves. We do advise players to leave hacked-in items alone, hide the corpse. Usually letting the players know that we disapprove of the items is enough to send them to another server. Now if we could only get a fix for vehicles and tents saving properly...
  23. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Do vehicles disappear with server restarts?

    Yep, same experience on my favorite server, all vehicles return to their natural spawn, and existing tents won't save new loot additions. Hopefully it's fast-tracked in the 1.7.3 pipeline.
  24. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Wow... i really cant believe it.

    I recall a bug (a week ago?) in BattlEye that caused an instant-kick for script violation (#92 or something) whenever a player took damage. Players who were below 12k health couldn't re-login, and I was kicked as soon as a Zambie gave me a hug. So... for what its worth, it may be a hack, or it may be that you're packing STANAG SD+KICK rounds. Who knows.
  25. skunk.five@gmail.com

    Why are some servers allowed to cheat?

    So, restarts that are announced an hour/half-hour early (and every 5 minutes after) aren't allowed? Scheduled daily restarts aren't allowed?