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About DubbaJonny

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  1. Come on over to http://www.twitch.tv/DubbaJonny Stream snipers, bring it on.
  2. Apparently if you change your server name it is grounds to be blacklisted. I am a personal server hoster and I've read this all throughout my many recent emails. Restarts at the admin's discretion are allowed however changing the name is not.
  3. Please I need a response so I can manage my server.
  4. Also, as said in the title, others are able to connect. Several of my friends have connected and hive is enabled and working as well. I'm also able to join servers as soon as my server goes down.
  5. Hi guys, So I recently my server was whitlisted and I was able to set everything up perfectly. However, I am experiencing one annoying issue where I am unable to connect to my own server. I own multiple CD keys so I do not get the CD key in use dialog, it is different. Basically when my server is up I cannot connect to any other dayz servers including my own. I was able to without error until my main router did an automated reboot by accident while my server was up, I didn't change any settings. Ever since when I try to login to my server I get Joining Game...until Connection Failed. This error occurs with every server I try to connect to not just my own. As I said everything was running perfectly until my router randomly rebooted and now it almost seems like my server is blocking up my connection to be able to connect to other servers, because when I take it offline, everything works. I've seen similar problems in the fourms and I've tried most suggestions, messing with winsock, etc. Nothing is working. I've been working with networks for many years and this is particularly frustrating as I'd like to manage my server some in-game or be able to play DayZ while running my server. Thanks for the help, Jon
  6. DubbaJonny

    Server Hosting

    First of all, pretty sure it's against forum rules to bump. But as far as hosting a server just Google it. There are plenty of websites you can go through that host dayZ servers. Find a seattle server and see who it's hosted by or go and host your own.
  7. If I had the money, I'd have a lawyer. That's all I have to say.
  8. Hello my friends, So in the title I have stated that the few devs of Battleye are ignorant and should be replaced. Some of you may think that statement is inflammatory and some of you may agree. Regardless, the statement is true based on their website. I quote: "No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored." And to that, I say bullshit. My story started on us 44. Teleported to an undisclosed location with many other players and scripts were executed ON MY CLIENT. I was kicked even though the hackers who had commandeered the server ran the scripts. Regardless I was banned. You don't believe me right? Battleye is Jesus and never wrong is what you say right? Bull. Today as hundreds watched the Machinima DayZ Live stream, while Mr. Rocket was being interviewed, a hacker teleported the player to the infamous thunder dome and all hell broke loose. After the interview and repeatedly being sent to the thunder dome, shibby took the controls and killed a player. After doing so he was teleported by the hacker to Cap Galova where the hacker told HIM to play the game legitly. Seconds later a global ban was issued and it flashed on the screen. The thing that makes this so ridiculous is the fact that they bought the account/key for the STREAM. It was fresh and brand new to my knowledge and was not shibby's personal character. The devs of BE can check it out. The link is this: Start watching at the 1 hour mark. The account was fresh an these guys are too retarded to even know how to script. It would have been obvious if they were. It was streamed to hundreds. One should not be held responsible for another's action. The principles and sheer omnipotence that battleye tries to convey is just ludicrous. Read their ban id. Mine is #b09a. I can't play the damn game. I'm a kid. I don't have much money and I have no reason to lie about a goddamn video game. Please consider what I said and give me some feedback. - Dubba.
  9. Dude whoever these retards are they're wrong. I swear to god people have to sympathy on these fourms. Anyway just buy Arma 2 OA again for 20 bucks, change the key, you're good.
  10. DubbaJonny

    Multiple Hackers on US 44

    Any input guys?
  11. Hey guys, I'm in need of help. Apparently today my favorite server, US 44 has been commandeered by hackers. A couple of friends and I were playing on the server and in Stary when we engaged the DUDE clan. My friend and I killed nearly all the members of the clan when we engaged the last one. He was using some sort of hack that prevented him from dying. After my friend and I unloaded a full clip on him he survived and killed both of us. After we respawned we were teleported to some sort of despawn forest. Several players had spawned vehicles and killed my friend and I practically instantaneously. We lost extremely high value gear in the venture, including an L85 AWS... I just wanted to report and receive input. Watch out for the DUDE clan.
  12. Hi guys, I know the waiting for character to create is a known issue but I just experienced something slightly more troubling. After sitting at waiting for host at US237 for a couple hours something very bad happened...my character was randomly killed off. You guys might say I joined the server and logged in but no, I did not. I was only trying to get to the lobby and somehow my character died from me not even being on the game...I've spent hours and hours and I don't even get a legit death...Now I can't even join a server to get my stuff back! Is my character actually screwed or is it just the waiting for character to create bug? Is there anything an admin can do to help me out? - Dubba