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Everything posted by MarylandMaverick

  1. MarylandMaverick

    Reporting a Hacker on US21

    I'd like to report a hacker on server US21, name Sykosis, this morning, July 19, 2012 at 2:00 AM CST. We first observed him hacking by flying an A-10 Warthog jetfighter out of the NW Airfield, and then he instakilled three of our party before we could disconnect about 20 minutes later. While we should have left immediately as soon as we saw the jet, we stayed in to try to raid the NW airfield. He also killed several other members of the server instantly, even though they were nowhere nearby. Please ban him/her. Thanks. Video proof is here - Another perspective on the same hacker incident - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcN-7Pqzars
  2. MarylandMaverick

    Best Music To Play DayZ To.

    Nobody goes for the atmospheric music? I prefer the melancholy of Max Richter, specifically his first two albums. They'd be even more perfect if Day Z had seasons, like Fall and Winter.