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About PolarBearJ

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Littleton, Colorado, USA
  1. I am actually looking for a list of hosters for Private Hive. Things I am looking for: - Access to ALL files(Incuding mysql ones so I can edit in vehicles, etc.) - Can be a vps, dedicated, game server, etc. - 40-60 slots - Decent price ($100 or under) - Any map (May add more, but that seems like a good list to start off) Just trying to get a good group of hosters together to go through and check out. Fill free to throw in your refs so you make money off it if I choose your hoster. Thanks, PolarBearJ
  2. You can also use a program named DaRT, its very nice. I will give you a link. :D http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68933-dart-a-lightweight-dayz-rcon-tool-v04-29082012/
  3. PolarBearJ

    Banned: US 1088 (Admin Ban: Teleporting)

    I will look into this. I will un-ban you, it was more then likely a false mistake. Give me 10 mins and you should be good to go. Edit: Un-banned. Sorry about that. There are actually two people with your name, you and someone else. It appears one is lower cased and you were upper cased.
  4. Just download the logs via ftp, and check out these: Helpful Tools: (I did not develop any of these tools, and do not accept responsibility for anything they may do to harm your server or system, nor can I provide any insight as to how they operate) DayZ Server Suite (log parser, etc) Paronity's Log Parser DayZ Log Parser Battleye Extended Controls (RCON command-line tool) Ryahn's Server Tool Sigma (Heartbeat, anti-crash, log pruner, etc) I personally just go thru the logs manually and just prune them once I am done, I do keep a copy of all the logs. Just in-case someone posts a ban appeal and I give them proof.
  5. PolarBearJ

    CSA Murders ZH Clan/Admins Angry VIDEO

    I never mentioned any responsibilities sir. I basically just said, I put my money into this server, so I can run it how I want to. My hoster never said I had to abide by Rocket's Rules. Let me clarify this also, if I did abide by his rules, then there would be so many hackers on my server that I couldn't do anything. With how I have been running my server, we only get about 1-3 hackers a day. So if I didn't ban hackers, we would have about 30-50 everyday. I am not the only Server owner banning people against rockets rules.
  6. PolarBearJ

    US 1088

    Ehh. Its whatever, just another person who is mad about a ban on one server. Go cry somewhere else, no one cares. 1 out of 4000 servers and you have to complain about one. Kind of sad don't you think? Its my server, so I can rule how I want.
  7. PolarBearJ

    US 1088: ZH Clan Is Given Some Salvation

    Then why did you skip the shooting scene with all those bodies? Afraid?
  8. PolarBearJ

    US 1088: ZH Clan Is Given Some Salvation

    Oh you didn't show the fights? ESPing? :/ Took everyone out with just an as50? Ya I highly doubt that. :D
  9. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    This is what happens when people complain about the server, they get hackers to join it. And now they teleport'd everyone in the air and killed everyone. :D Anyways done with you guys. Have fun.
  10. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    So combat logging is in the game, is that ok? Exploits happen. Not my problem blame the developers plox. Correction, Not my clan, I just run the server. Its ONE OF MANY SERVERS, go find another one and stop complaining, you don't pay for the server, so you don't have a say. Just another customer who complains, we get so many different players your complaint doesn't really have an effect. Another admin is learning. Sorry. If you were banned let me know, I will unban you.
  11. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    Correction sir, I don't play the game. :D Also they are complaining about duping, I was stating if duping isn't allowed then combat logging isn't aloud. :D His excuse was his ping is to high. When the ping limit is 500. If you are playing on a server with that kind of ping, then find another one.
  12. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    Good. ;) Mmk. One of the few. :D
  13. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    Then why haven't they removed it, oh that's right, they can't. So it IS A PART OF THE GAME! You may not think so, but everyone does it.
  14. PolarBearJ

    To the homosexual Brazilians on us 1088

    Told the clan to prepare for you guys. So if you get sniped, don't get mad. :D