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Everything posted by acelondoner

  1. acelondoner

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    To all the people whining about there being to many zombies, wtf! You were all saying we need more zombies, we need more zombies and now you have it, it's waa, too many zombies, this is shit waa. I'm sure it's a bunch of 10 year olds playing this mod, seriously. I would go and play different modes with proper players but oh wait, every single server is dayz.
  2. acelondoner

    New website design

    To be honest, the site speed needs sorting out, not the design. It takes about 30 seconds to load up a forum post, wtf! I'm in the UK btw. So, what is this, $3 shared host? lol
  3. acelondoner

    Dayz UK server

  4. One thing I would like is for the legion members to stop spamming other servers. Nearly every time I play on a server, whether it be a French, European or US one. There is always one legion member who constantly says come join legion, our team speak is blah blah and our server is great! Be a legion member today! Please stop spamming chat with the above. Fucking annoying.
  5. acelondoner

    Dayz UK server

    I'm in London and get a lovely 15 ping on this server. I was just playing on there and then lost connection however and now the server has disappeared?
  6. To the point. Go buy Arma 2.
  7. acelondoner

    New Server/Client

  8. acelondoner

    99 slot server requires a difference version?

    Beta patch. Get it of bohemia's website or armaholic or just look at the stickie in this forum.
  9. Your best bet is to re-install as you are missing files or the files have been currupted or a previous mod has tampered with those files. Just re-install, then you should have no problems man.
  10. acelondoner

    99 slot Server,cannot join it

    And you need the beta patch for that server I think.
  11. acelondoner

    DayZ Update 1.5

    Humanity hasn't reset for me.
  12. acelondoner

    A plea for more servers!

    How about one big server with everyone on it? I'm gonna guess it's not possible. Would be cool though.