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The Carnivore

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Everything posted by The Carnivore

  1. The Carnivore

    How To Find Secret Military Base w/ Map | DayZ Standalone Tips

    It seems to have been moved to the road West of Myshinko that loops through the woods, though we'll see if that's still the case tomorrow.
  2. The Carnivore

    Private Shards & Weather

    Has any mention been made as about weather on Private Shards? Specifically, will we be able to set the weather to our liking? I'd hope that we'd be able to at least set a season.
  3. The Carnivore

    Private Shards & Weather

    I'd perfer a twilight to dark server, all December all the time. Let the environment be the worst enemy.
  4. The Carnivore

    Private Shards & Weather

    I read each and every status report as it comes out. I must have failed to see which status report said anything in reference to Private Shard operators being able to set the weather. Weyland Yutani, would you be so kind as to link just which Status Report you are referring to? Or did you mean the last report with the Server Hosting Rules? I'm not looking for a Yes or No Answer, just wondering if there'd been any discussion or interest other than my own in this. What I'd like to see is the ability to not just set the time of year for climate, but things such as rain and cloud cover, etc. I'd like to have a shard where I can make it always December, moderate to heavy rainfall during the nights, and none to moderate rainfall during the daylight hours. I don't recall seeing anything along those lines; thus the reason for the post.
  5. The Carnivore

    Private Shards & Weather

    Well here's hoping...I'd like a Zombie Winter Wonderland. And maybe someday snow to go with it. Port Namalsk for that matter. I know they won't, but fighting the weather made that map so much more interesting.
  6. The Carnivore

    Looking for Friendly 24h Daytime server

    I love Gene Wilder, and that GIF never fails to make me smile.
  7. The Carnivore

    Craft head torch with ballistic helmet

    Or let me use duct tape to attach a flashlight to a helmet, perhaps right on top. It would have to look ugly though.
  8. I wouldn't mind seeing it on the West of Bay Tikhaya, Near the 'convience store' they have there.
  9. The Carnivore

    Looking for Friendly 24h Daytime server

    I don't think you'll find a truly friendly server until white listed private shards are available.
  10. The Carnivore

    Gun Straps

    Yes please. Magical floating guns on my back are not cool. They could let us use rope to make one, or find actual ones in barracks.
  11. Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system, or will they have a separate loot table just for that particular server? From my point of view, my private shard server would not be part of (not connect in anyway that would allow it to be used for loot farming or ghosting to) the public hive. So I would think/want/ask that the loot tables on my private server only apply to my server; i.e. proposed rare items like the SVD would have the same chance of spawning within my private shard as they do across the entire (central loot managed) public shard. I don't want to change the chance of one spawning on my server, but I also do not one not to spawn in my private shard due to there already being to many on the Public shard. I've not been able to find an answer to this on the forums. Perhaps a Dev could provide some insight (you know, if free to do so)?
  12. The Carnivore

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    Yeah, I'm fairly certain it'll come in dead last. I understand quite well the difference between Private Shard and a private hive. I'm hoping that since they can give private shards then perhaps they can give a private shard it's on 'central loot system' just for that particular shard. I'm also hoping for a Dev response (I'm looking at you Dean Hall, Brian Hicks, or Eugen Harton). Give me a straight Answer and I'll take the ice bucket challenge even!
  13. The Carnivore

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    You don't happen to have a handy link to Rocket saying that <I typed hopefully>?
  14. The Carnivore

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    That would be the only way to do so, as you can see from the post just above yours. We are still (so far as they have announced) going to have to rent these servers from GSP's as we currently do. Perhaps the GSP's will drop the price of the Private Shards.
  15. The Carnivore

    Will Private Shards use the Central Loot system?

    Thanks Skippy, but this doesn't answer my question. I don't want to be able to spawn items on my private shard, nor do I want to take items from my Private Shard to a Public server. Suppose however that item was limited to a total quantity of 100 across all Public servers via this Central Loot system. Now further suppose that on the day I activate my Private shard 100 of those items already existed on the Public Hive. I do not want, as a result, for that item NOT to spawn on my Private Shard server. This in no way is my asking to control loot spawns and such (as we so easily do in the mod). What I am expressing is my opinion that Private Shards should not be part of the Central Loot system, as they are not part of the Public portion of the Hive. Am I making sense? Or does anyone else get the idea of what I am trying to get across, but perhaps be able to better articulate it?
  16. The Carnivore

    Realistic Leather Sack Recipe

    This makes sense. Beans to you, fresh of the shelf of Crazy Vladmir's Store of Wonderment in Western Zelenogorsk!
  17. After playing Arma 2 and DayZ Mod for years now, and now DayZ SA, I imagine there's someone at BI's offices saying "What is this...physics...you speak of"? and then laughing like Renfield.
  18. I'm not sure at all. In my (extremely amateur) opinion the weight difference would be negligible compared to the weight of the weapon and other attachments, but I wouldn't feel upset if it increased they increased the sway a bit in cases like this. I'd be much more interested in getting the reload animation halfway through firing the 60 rounds, perhaps shaving 1 second off the reload time, as your not reaching into a belt or bag to retrieve another magazine.
  19. If it causes sway in the real world, then yeah sure.
  20. I'd rather the decision be more along the lines of "I may want to shoot this player, but how big a crowd of zombies are going to come at me when I do and how much ammo is it going to cost me? Is murdering this person here and now going to be worth the risk and effort?"
  21. The Carnivore

    I need help with my loadouts...

    Try posting in the DayZ:mod forums at : http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/16-mod-servers-private-hives/
  22. Voted up, couldn't agree more. I wish I could duct tape (movie style) 2 AKM or AK101 mags, and have to do the same.
  23. The Carnivore

    future melee weapon? Katana?

    Yes to katanas and costume stores, but only if tracksuits come in yellow.
  24. So I am at best an average player. So it doesn't surprise me that I have been shot and killed while scavenging at NWAF since 45 was rolled out. What has surprised me have been the two out of the blue friend requests I have gotten in Steam shortly after each death. My assumption is that after killing me, with no exchange of words, my (virtual) murderer sent me the request after studying my body in game to get my name. I'm not complaining about it. I am curious if anyone else has had this happen? Or perhaps done this to someone you'd killed in DayZ SA?
  25. The Carnivore

    Getting friend request in Steam after being killed.

    Partially. It always has been. If you open the steam overlay while in game you can get a list of all current players on the same server with you. You could, if you wanted to, send friend requests to everyone on the serve no matter what thier in game name is. I'm not concerned or vexed about it happening. I'm certainly not in the habit of friending people on steam that I have played along side or spoken too. I simply found it...oddly, slightly, interesting that it happened, as it has not before. Not in SA anyway. In Left 4 Dead, oh yeah. But not SA.