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About Takas

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  1. Takas

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Thanks for the update. Keem 'em coming!
  2. Does your backpack plays a sound in real life when opened? I don't think so. Ever heard about pickpocket?
  3. We need this. All of this.
  4. Takas

    Interview with Matthew Lightfoot

    Great interview. Content-wise I am a little bit disappointed. Like stuff that I would consider extremely basic and therefore important to fix before the initial alpha release aren't coming till later. This includes 1) Zombie AI [and more different types of Zombies] 2) Walking down/up hills and stairs behaviour 3) Indoor walking behaviour / moving around corners => Currently it's simply shit 4) Player skeleton => Please fix before release. Getting killed by doors... srsly, that's not something that should be postponed. All these things I consider basic, because that is stuff everyone has to deal with by the first minute of gameplay and thus jugdes the quality of improvements made based on what they experience the most.
  5. Run the wheel, run it hard!
  6. Takas

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    I just want some information... and I don't understand why only rocket is the one that must provide information. There are other people on the development team, are they unable to write? A short tweet, one or two sentences on the forum... anything. It is not too hard, and I am not even demanding any release information here, but basic information. What are they currently working on? Any issues? What is on the roadmap? Even a "Nothing to report folks" would be fine. Just give us anything. The information policy reminds me of any other production studio out there: Bad.
  7. Takas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Will rocket give us a Christmas present?
  8. Takas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    On reddit he posted "DayZ standalone is fine, and I'm looking forward to updating progress. But first things first, many people depend on the DayZmod - paying for server rentals etc. So I and others have an obligation to see this all goes smoothly."
  9. Takas

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Well. I suppose. If it could be finished he could just confirm that via twitter in 160 characters and it would be fine. A blog post can be delayed then. But since it might not be released this year, he needs the blog post so he can explain why so that not everybody rages like a bitch. Special tactics.
  10. Takas

    The Counter Sniper - 25 kills unbeaten.

    Entertaining I have to admit.
  11. rocket, what about combat? Any changes? Will I be able to shove advancing Zombies back, push them to the ground, and shit like this?
  12. Valve probably is the best company in the world. Look it up at what they do, how they treet their employees, their working scructure, company vacation, family treatment... and Steam is awesome too. Stop bitching, never-satisfied children.
  13. What did you do with the "v" hotkey ...feature that made you jump over shit?
  14. Takas

    Jump in sales?

    Oh, wow. So many players then. Hopefully everybody is up for the standalone ;) Thanks for the quick response.
  15. Takas

    Jump in sales?

    Within a couple of hours the player counter on the main page did a skip of 300,000. Two times. It was like on 1,6mil and now it is on 2,3mil. I highly doubt there would be such a wave of players this time around. It seems bugged. Anybody from the Web team can confirm that?